Kivrin Character in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Kivrin Of clan Ironfist

Kivrin, a paladin of the shield, has dedicated herself to protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kivrin Ironfist began life as one of four children to Ulfgar Ironfist and Helja Brewheart. Kivren learned her father’s trade of black smithing and her mother’s trade of brewing. Her mother also taught er her the use of herbs for healing, which had been passes down the matrilineal line for generations.   Tragicaly, Kivrin’s family struck hard times when she was a teen. Her mother and three brothers died in the withering plague that passes through Ovgilbek at the time. Around the same time, Kivrin’s father was murdered at the behest of a rich and influential rival. Kivrin never forgot her father’s murder, but she was powerless to do anything about it.   Bereft of any other way to survive, she found herself begging in the streets of the outer city of Ovgilbek . There she learned to disguise herself, to blend in with the crowd and even how to steal to get by. Kivrin was never comfortable with the life of a thief, however, and eventually started to work as a bodyguard. This lasted until she discovered that the crime boss she worked for, had been the one to “take care of” her father.   Desperate and afraid, Kivrin found herself in a corner, by divine providence she was offered a position as as the bodyguard for a traveling troop of Mummers that was passing through. An old street friend Lucious Tiny introduced Kivrin to the group’s leader Kylar Thorn.   Kivrin gratefully accepted the chance to escape her dark past and bad situation. She fears that one day she will forget the people who ruined her life, so she carries a locket with her parents portraits with her as a reminder. Even though she is now surrounded by kind hearted people, sometimes she still feels like the outsider. Her best friend is a pet mouse named Chansey.
ARMOUR CLASS:22 (Plate armour, shield)
SPEED:30 ft
STR +4 (19) DEX +2 (14) CON +4 (18)
INT +1 (12) WIS +1 (13) CHR +4 (18)
Saving throws: WIS+5, CHR+8
Skills: Athletics +8, Medicine +5, Perception +5, Persuasion +8, Stealth +6
Languages: Common, Dwarvish
Current Location
Year of Birth
1514 24 Years old
Wavy Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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