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Giles Spere (a.k.a. Kylar Thorn)

ARMOUR CLASS:14 (natural), 17 (mage armour)
SPEED:30 ft
STR +0 (11) DEX +3 (16) CON +4 (18)
INT +5 (20) WIS +1 (13) CHR +2 (15)
  Saving throws: STR+1, DEX+4, CON+5, INT+10, WIS+6, CHR+3
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Deception +6, Insight +5, Sleight of Hand +7
Languages: Common, Infernal

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kylar showed promise as a young lad. He was too cleaver by half and had always shown a talent for magic. Unfortunately he fell in with the wrong crowd and started too apply his skills not to magic but to scams and forgery. His family had high hopes for Kylar, and had invested their meager income into finding Kylar tutors to school him in magic. But Kylar found the lure of adventure and easy money too strong. Though he managed to bring in money to support his family, they wanted nothing to do with his ill-gotten gold and they kicked him out.   Kylar was welcomed into his new “family”, the assembly of the dagger , where he refined his skills as a forger. He was warned never to take a job without the assembly’s blessing, But a job came by that was just too good to give up. A racketeering scheme for a local noble’s son. Kylar forged property deeds for the racketeering scheme, but the noble son was found out, arrested and died in prison. The noble Rawliggs family blames Kylar for their son Gilbert Rawliggs’s death. The assembly, to protect their own hide, disowned Kylar. Kylar chaned name to Thorn. Kylar swiftly forged documents in order to get into wizardry school, creating the character of a young barrons son. He was accepted and travelled to High Glenn as quickly as he could. Used syndicate connections to deal with Deryck Thorn, through Lucious Tiny  Lucious also set up meeting Kivrin in Deep Harbor

Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic Good.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sarcasm and insults are Kylar’s weapons of choice, often opening with them before he resorts to his powerful Magics. Intelligent to a fault and fiercely creative, Kylar never runs the same con twice

Vices & Personality flaws

Kylar can never resist a pretty face or anything of value, which often find their way into his bed and pocket respectively.
Current Location
Year of Birth
7510 -5972 Years old
Brown and sapphire blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
190 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
common, infernal

This article has no secrets.


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