Taryth Moon Character in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Taryth Moon

Elayrus Siannodel (a.k.a. Roonil Wazlib)

Born Elayarus Siannodel (Shawn-NoDEL) to An Elven Father, Theren Siannodel, and a Human Mother, Merribor Tarythian, young Elayarus grew up amongst the Teu-tel-quissir Moon or Silver Elves in a nomadic band. The band of Elves would rarely stick to one area for more than a season, and enjoyed the thrill of adventure that came with travelling to new lands. Theren and Merribor were a part of a smaller group of adventurers that often struck out on quests of their own. Theren was a Ranger and Merribor a Druid. When they were off on quests, Elayarus would stay with his Uncle Aramil Siannodel. He grew up learning fencing, archery and nature magic, of which he wasn’t overly adept.   At the age of 12, his parents were on a raid in a Keep belonging to a wealthy landowner, whose serfs were very downtrodden under his rule. Theren and 2 other members of the party were killed during the raid. Merribor and 1 other survived, and made it back to their camp.   With the death of her husband, Merribor also lost the taste for adventuring. She took Elayarus home to the village where she grew up, and raised him amongst her people.   The people of her village were never fully accepting of Elayarus, in due large part to his Elven heritage. Her family never forgave the fact that she left to be with Theren, and had lived such a dangerous life with him.   His Elven features were a constant reminder, and often the focus of taunts from other children.   When he was 15, Merribor fell gravely ill. None of the magicks of her people could save her, and she died. Now an orphan and living amidst people who did not accept him, Elayarus struck out on his own.   His life with the Elves as a nomad served him well, and helped him survive on his own quite expertly. While travelling through a village, he encountered a troupe of performers the likes of which he’d never seen. Acrobats, singers, actors, and the like. He found himself drawn to them, and quickly joined their ranks as an apprentice. They taught him all the tricks of the trade, including some less legal forms of making a buck.   Elayarus travelled with them for several years, until the day came when the con went wrong. They were doing a command performance for a Royal household, when they were discovered cheating and stealing. Elayarus and a few others managed to escape, while the unfortunate others were thrown in the dungeons.   In an effort to lay low, Elayarus changed his name to Taryth Moon. He continued to run small cons, or busk for spare coins in order to keep himself in room and board, always trying to stay a few steps ahead of the bounty on his head. Eventually, he found more security in a group of like-minded mummers, with whom he continues to travel. He finds himself doing more adventuring than running cons, but still tries to make time to fleece a few gullible nobles whenever he can.   He has also forged a separate identity of a wealthy trader named Roonil Wazlib that often opens more doors than being a performer ever could.


Aramil Siannodel


Towards Taryth Moon


Taryth Moon


Towards Aramil Siannodel


ARMOUR CLASS:17 (Studded leather)
SPEED:30 ft
STR: +0 (11) DEX: +4 (18) CON: +1 (13)
INT: +2 (14) WIS: -1 (9) CHR: +2 (14)
  Saving throws: STR+1, DEX+9, CON+2, INT+7, WIS+0, CHR+3
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Athletics +4, Deception +10, Insight +3, Investigation +6, Perception +3, Performance +10, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +12
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Thieves' Cant
Current Location


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