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6. Evil in the Pebblebrook Manor

Priests of Hethar
  The Brothers, were still at The Crying Warrior Inn when a cadre of priest of Hethar approached Lucian Netherheart. They were led by High Priest Aradduck Marblehand, a tall and imposing figure. He made his way to Lucian's table and spoke in a booming voice.   'Thank Hethar! It is Lucian, the defeater of great evil!' he exclaimed. 'We must speak with you. Evil deeds are afoot at the Pebblebrook Manor and we need one such as yourself to help expel it.'   Lucian's heart sank at the mention that he has vanquished great evil. He knew the claims were not real and he fears that an evil resides within him and knows the truth. Lucian could not let innocent people suffer at the hands of evil, so he agreed to hear what the priests had to say.   An acolyte stepped forward and said, 'Surely, Hethar has sent you to us for this very purpose!'   Lucian couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. Was this all part of a larger plan? Was he meant to face this evil and finally be exposed as a fraud?   Aradduck gave the Brothers the blessing of Hethar and they set off for the Pebblebrook Manor. As they walked, Lucian's mind was consumed by fear and self-doubt. He had never faced a real threat before, and he was afraid that he would fail when it truly mattered.  
Pebblebrook Manor
  As they opened the gates to the estate, a cold aura of evil hung heavy in the air. The once beautiful gardens were now overgrown and filled with twisted, thorny vines. However, the Brothers were not deterred. They marched forward with a shared purpose and a strong bond that could not be broken.   As they entered the grounds, Ute, the and most daring of the Brothers, decided to break open window in the east wing of the mansion. Without hesitation, he climbed through it and motioned for his brothers to follow. The others hesitated, knowing that breaking and entering was not honorable, but they knew there was no time to waste. They all entered the mansion, careful not to make too much noise.   In the first few rooms, they found a couple of dead guards, their bodies mauled by combat. But the brothers did not falter. They were brave, and they knew that they must keep moving forward. As they ventured deeper into the mansion, they came upon a great hallway with skeletons. The Brothers quickly dispatched the undead creatures, their weapons and spells crushing their bones with ease.   But their victory was short-lived as they entered another room and found themselves face to face with a headless horseman. Immediately, the horseman let out a hideous cackle and charged the Brothers, hurling a flaming pumpkin at them. Ignatius, took the brunt of the attack, the pumpkin exploding next to him leaving him singed. With nerves of steel, the Brothers attacked the Horseman, their clashing against his armor. It was a fierce battle, but eventually, the Brothers emerged victorious, the headless horseman lying motionless on the ground.   As they caught their breath, the Brothers stumbled upon a patrol of skeletons, their bones rattling as they marched towards the Brothers. Without hesitation, the Brothers, Ignatius, Tim the Enchanter, Ute, Lucian, and Sir Lesley, fought valiantly. The skeletons fired their short bows, peppering the Brothers with arrows, while others charged them with short swords drawn. But the Brothers are seasoned warriors, and they were able to defend themselves against the onslaught. With each skeleton they vanquished, their confidence grew.  
Dancing with a Demon
As they entered Lord Jasper's main office, there was a strong smell of brimstone that filled the air. The room was dimly lit, but they could see a flame moving across the floor, burning to form a pentacle. The Brothers knew they were in the right place to vanquish evil.   Suddenly, in a flash of light, a demon appeared before them. It was a Dur'aron, a creature known for its immense strength and evil powers. The Brothers could feel the dark energy emanating from the demon and they knew they had to act fast.   Without hesitation, Sir Lesley and Ute charged at the unholy beast, engaging in melee combat. The demon attacked with its barbed tail and horned head, while Sir Lesley swung his great sword and missed again and again. Ute lunged with his glaive, while Lucian hurled Eldritch Blast and Tim created fires with his magic. Ignatius, confined to a wheelchair, shot Firebolts at the demon with precision.   But the demon was powerful and relentless. It seemed to feed off their frustration and anger. Sir Lesley, determined to strike a blow, flung his great sword at the Dur'aron and finally landed a hit, killing the beast.   Just as the Brothers thought the battle was won, a secret side passage opened and Dino Faz Pebblebrook, entered the fray. However, the Brothers quickly dispatched him. As he fell, they all felt a sharp pain in their abdomens.   Tim searched Dino's body and found a magical amulet and his journal, which detailed how he had turned the people of the manor into skeletons and zombies. As Tim picked up the amulet, it shocked him and dispelled the Blessing of Hethar, the amulet then disintegrated. Stunned from the shock, Tim noticed that he carried "the mark" the identical birthmarks that the five brothers shared.  
The Noble Zombie Lord
  Feeling relieved that the source of the pain was gone, the Brothers heard the sound of a piano being played. They followed the sound and discovered a side passage that led to a room where Lord Jasper Pebblebrook, now a zombie, was playing the piano. The Brothers knew they had to lure him out and put an end to him once and for all.   But Lord Jasper was not alone, Dino Faz had altered the bodies of his guards and turned them into skeletons and they were ready to defend him. Sir Lesley, always one to make a bold move, jumped onto a chair and then onto the four-foot-high bookshelves, striking the noble zombie lord from the high ground. The Brothers fought fiercely, defeating the noble zombie lord and his skeleton guards.   As they searched the room for any clues or treasures, they discovered a locked chest. Unable to pick the lock, Sir Lesley started to hack at it with his great axe. As he split open the lid of the chest, Lucian noticed that the zombie lord had a master key on him, and an exceptionally crafted long sword. Unfortunately Sir Lesley had already destroyed the chest and the key would have been able to open it. In the chest was a fancy pouch containing the Envisioner's Emerald and green bound scroll containing the history of the emeralds and a cautionary tail.  
A well deserved rest.
  The Brothers headed back to Lord Jasper's main office to take a quick break to gather their composure, however as they started getting ready there was another party skeletons. The Brothers took defensive positons around the room, taking cove behind a desk and some bookshelves.   The skeletons charged towards them with their swords and bows drawn, but the Brothers were prepared and quickly engaged in battle. Ute sung his glaive, taking down several skeletons at once. Sir Lesley, who was known for his strength, took an arrow, however undeterred he landed powerful blows with his greataxe.   As the last skeleton fell to the ground, the Brothers let out a sigh of relief. They had been in many battles before, but this one had been particularly intense. They were all covered in sweat and dirt, and their clothes were torn and stained with blood and the Brothers took a well needed break.  
Guess who is coming to dinner
  Ute's heart raced as she watched the bizarre scene unfold. He couldn't understand how these creatures could be dining together like civilized beings. Thinking quickly, Tim the Enchanter and quickly lit a fire, blocking the door in front of Ute. Ute barred the door from the outside, hoping that the skeletons would charge into the flames in an attempt to reach them. However, their plan backfired when Lucian and Sir Lesley, tried to enter the room through another door, it seemed that they had not received the message about the plan.   At first Lucian and Sir Lesley tried to bash the door. But then, Lucian remembered that he had the key to the manor and quickly unlocked the door. Sir Lesley burst into the room, his greataxe raised, ready for battle.   Without hesitation, he charged towards the first skeleton he saw and smashed it with his weapon. The sound of bones breaking echoed through the room as the skeleton fell to the ground, shattered.   But with Lucian and Sir Lesley now in the room through another entrance, Ute, Tim, and Ingatius knew they had to change their plan. Tim quickly canceled his fire spell and the three of them charged into the room, weapons at the ready.   Tim summoned his Wildfire Spirit, a creature made of flames, and used its teleportation ability to bring Lucian and Sir Lesley closer to the rest of the group. The brothers were now standing back to back, surrounded by the skeletons and the zombie butler.   The battle was intense as the adventurers fought for their lives against the undead. Sir Lesley's greataxe swung through the air, cutting and shattering through bones. Ute used his glaive to keep the skeletons at bay, while Lucian cast powerful spells, his Eldritch blast taking out the skeletons.   Ingatius, a skilled artificer, slung firebolts at the zombie bulter, setting him ablaze. Whilst Tim used his staff to bludgeon the skeletons and commanded his Wildfire Spirit to attack.   The dining room was now a chaotic battlefield, with fire and magic flying everywhere, but the Brothers were determined to defeat their enemies and claim whatever treasure lay hidden in the manor.   After what felt like hours, the last skeleton fell to the ground, its bones scattering across the floor. The zombie butler was no match for the adventurers and was quickly dispatched as well.   As the flames died down and the dust settled, the group looked around at each other, panting and covered in sweat. They had survived the battle against the undead and emerged victorious.  
Youth Corrupted
  As the Brothers continued through the manor they came across Lord Pebblebrook's daughter Rissa. Lord Pebblebrook had hoped to marry Rissa into the Royal Wraytorian House of Montrough, however she was turned into a zombie. Tragic that one so young and beatiful should have met such a fate and the Brothers had finally put her to rest by the sword. Rissa had left behind a ornate golden bracelet befitting of her social station that picked up by Tim the Enchanter.  
Documents Found
Ute discovered a map showing the lost location of Tharnham Keep and a book The Legend of Tharnham Keep   Lucian Netherheart found Correspondence between O.D. and Lord Jasper Pebblebrook revealing that the Brothers are being pursued by a seasoned spy assassin and the importance of the Dwarven Runic Map. Ute also found a map detailing the route that O.D. or Onyx Dragon has taken in pursuit of the map.
Dur'aron Cruel abberations filled with hate. These creatures are lower ranking demons that are usually summoned by novices dabbling in the dark magical arts.  
Lord Jasper Pebblebrook was once the Lord of the Minor house of Pebblebrook has now been transformed into a zombie.  
Legend has it that the Envisioner's Emeralds were created by ancient sorcerers who sought to harness the power of magic to aid in their quests for knowledge and power. They infused the stone with the ability to sense the magic in its surroundings and to make objects or people that were important to the holder's goals glow a green hue, providing them with guidance and direction.


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