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The city of Freyburn is lodged within the borders of the kingdom of Wrayatora. It stands proudly, a symbol of the opulence of the great House of Rainner.  

The Palisarlor District

At its heart, Freyburn is bustling with activity. The citizens can be seen going about their everyday lives in the sprawling market district filled with merchants selling all manner of goods. Here the city’s bustling commerce and trading is conducted, with exotic goods coming from all corners of the kingdom.  

The Trader's Forge District

Beyond the market district lies the city district, where Freyburn’s inhabitants live and work. Craftsmen toil in small workshops creating all manner of products, and traders ply their wares throughout the streets. The many of the city’s upper class families have their mansions here, presiding over the city from their elevated balconies.  


At the city boundaries, Freyburn defends itself with towering walls manned by a well-trained garrison of watchmen. The city’s gates are constantly guarded against intrusion, as the residents of Freyburn trust their walls to protect them from the unknown outside.  


The city has a rich cultural history of story-telling and song. The merchants in the market tell tales of travellers who have journeyed from distant lands, while in the city district children often recite the ancient stories of Wrayatora. Music can be heard throughout the streets, especially when the bards come to perform in front of the Rainner mansion.  

The Under City

Dwelling in the catacombs, sewers, and caverns that exist under the city of Freyburn the "Tunnel Rats" as a deragatory name by those living on the surface, the term has become a badge that they wear with pride. The Tunnel Rats are a diverse set of misfits of many races. They do not tend to have the normal sort of racial biases of surface folk, but tend to view people along the lines of where they live and how they make their wealth. Those living in cities are viewed as less worthy than those living under them, or in the wild. And those wealthy living up on their balconies looking down on the poor are to be despised most of all. Merchants who make their wealth through trade are better than bankers who merely loan money, but those who make their wealth through toil will be given the most respect.   They are ruled, loosely, by an old woman named Agaread and her devoted sons. While Agaread leads the Rats, she preaches a philosophy of communal ownership. She instructs Rats to reject the materialism of the world above and teaches that personally owning more than one needs is a sin. Members of the Tunnel Rats habitually keep little in their own "nests", and share what they have with the group as a whole. Very little is done in a way of physical coercion, though a communal system of shame and shunning tends to bring individuals in line with her philosophy or drive out those who horde too much material wealth.
Realm: Kingdom of Wrayatora
Owning Organization

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