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Grimhorn Clan

The Grimhorn clan is a proud and powerful family, priding themselves on their strength and their determination to protect the settlement of Auchendale which they rule. The clan is steeped in a long and proud heritage that dates back many generations, creating a culture of honour, duty and hard work, which is seen by the booming precious stone and coal mining industry they have created.   The clan has a strong emphasis on tradition, and one of the most important of these is the rite of passage from a child to an adult, known as the Firelight Ceremony. This ceremony requires children of the clan to prove their courage and loyalty by facing a challenge of their own choosing, usually a physical trial such as climbing the tallest mountain or running the longest distance. This is designed to ensure the younger members of the clan remain strong and capable of protecting their home.   The clan motto is 'Strength in Unity'. This mantra can be seen throughout the clan, both in terms of their own families, but also their commitment to the settlement of Auchendale. The clan unites to protect their homes and the people they love, and in turn, they reap the spoils of a prosperous future.
Controlled Territories


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