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Haernden Island & Lake

Located along the boarder of The Tribal Lands and The Ice Flats the town of Haernden is controlled by the hunters of The Frozen Scorpion Tribe.


The northern side of the town has a towered stone wall and the southern side has wooden palisades. The island coast is watched by a series of watchtowers.

Industry & Trade

The life blood of Haernden is the hunting and trapping of animals for their pelts. The Frozen Scorpions engage in perilous hunting missions into the The Ice Flats. The pelts they harvest coveted by nobles and weatly alike and fetch a hefty price. Almost all of the hunters are from the Frozen Scorpions, and who are outlanders do not last very long.   There are also merchants, traders who tend to be outlanders as well.

Guilds and Factions

The Twin Foxes Furrier Guild Foxes Furrier Guild has a presence in the town.


It's effin cold.


The town of Haernden is settled on the island bearing the same name. The lake provides a protection to the town, however in the winter when the lake freezes the town loses this advantage. The island is large enough to support the town, farms and has a small coniferous forest.
Frozen Scorpion Hunter
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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