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Roniryn Empire (Ro-Nir-In)

All that remains of the once great Empire is the city of Rothevon. Clinging to the last vestiges of power and influence the House of Ronir hopes to regain some of its' lost prestige an influence. From a noble house to an Empire and now back to a noble house with its' lineage being questioned and challenged. The House of Ronir struggles for its' very existance from internal and external threats.  


Emperor Colwyn Ronir is the disputed Emperor and ruler of Rothevon. Claiming that he his the nephew of the late Emperor Axentius, this claim has been disputed and there are other suitors manuvering to take the Golden Lion throne.   The Emperor is young for a head of state only sixteen. He is short with broad shoulders potentially demonstrating some ancient dwarven lineage. Despite the claims against his rule he is loved and honored by his people.   At the age of 8 he was presented to the Lord Protector and Steward - Lord Rolandus as the heir. Lord Rolandus was hesitant to relinquish power, but the Council of Nine from the Empyrean Spire pressed Lord Rolandus to recognize the young heir.  


The Roniryn rise to power began with the marriage of Princess Elyscia of Wrayatora to Prince Drystan of Ronir, upon the passing of King Giraudus of Wrayatora without an heir. Through this marriage, the two kingdoms merged to become the Roniryn Empire. The marriage signaled the rise of the Roniryn Empire as King Jurdanus of Ronir married Queen Desdromora of Azhar, which resulted in the merging of all three kingdoms.   In the year 253, the Imperial City of Ronir was founded on the banks of the Inniswrath River in the Windpar Steppe. This capital city indicated the solidification of the Roniryn Empire and gave them an important point of control. Not long after, Emperor Jurdanus seized the Tribal Lands and eventually led the Roniryn Empire to where it stood at 1000 and before the Dark Army’s invasion. This was a golden age for the Roniryns, filled with kindness, love, prosperity, and abundance.   Tragically, in 2023 the Roniryn capitol city was seiged by the Dark Army culminating in the collapse of the Roniryn Empire. Krugo revolted in 2024, and the Dark Army disbanded the following year. The tragically sudden destruction of the Roniryn Empire had a great impact on their culture.  
Crisis of Succession
In 2327 Emperor Axentius succumbed to a mysterious illness, unfortunately the Emperor did not have an heir. The throne would then have passed to his brother Zeno who had been killed years earlier in an Orc raid. The next in line was Zeno's daughter Flavia who had just given birth to Colwyn. There had been rumors that persisted that Flavia may not have been the legitament daughter of Zeno since his wite Prisca was rumored to enjoy the company of other men. Now that Flavia and her linage are part of the imperial line of success, her questionable parentage has called the legitmacy of Colwyn as Emperor into question. This has opened the door for other suitors especially King Reynard.     The Roniryn culture was based on a rich combination of the three merged civilizations: Ronir, Azhar, and Wrayatora. The combined culture bloomed and flourished during the golden age of the Roniryn Empire. The Roniryns were known for their art and music, their elaborate festivals, and exotic dishes. They were highly religious and divided into very distinct social and economical classes. The people practiced a strict set of ideals and standards of etiquette that made the Roniryn Empire a peaceful and prosperous land.
Emperor Colwyn
Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories


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