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This ancient city started as a small fishing village on "The Isthmus of Nokodon" and the ancestral home of the House of Ronir. As the centuries past the city grew into a metropolis, and became a centre for culture and the arts.


Rothevon is a multicultural city with all manner of races living here. The city's population is mainly human, however there are large populations of dwarves, gnomes, halflings and city dwelling elves and half-elves. There are even small populations of orcs, half-orcs and hobgoblins that have taken up residence in the city.


Rothevon is a walled city that is protected geographically by Hingsby Lake to the west, Golgan Bay to the east, and the Spillway Canal to the South. The only approach of an army is from the north.


Trunild Center Lakeside Row


Founded when the Ronir were only a noble house, this city started as a small fishing village. Over the years the city has grown into a major trading port.

Points of interest

Empyrean Spire is home of the Council of Nine and the only formal magic school on the continent. It boast the largest arcane library and it's secrets are guarded.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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