The Iron Hammer Kin
Making their home in the town of Braedwardith the Iron Hammer Kin control the foothills of The Tribal Lands. In the foothills the Kin have opened mines which drive the economy of the town.
The Iron Hammer kin are an almagam of human tribal and Azhar dwarven cultures. Members of this clan tend to be a little shorter than normal humans. The kin speak a dialect of common with a touch of dwarven slang.
During the Dark Army's invasion, the Khro Ord (Iron Hammer) company of dwarves were stationed at Mythguard. They were routed by the Dark Army near the Savage Mountains and retreated north across the Dunfell River. The remnants of the company settled in the town of Braedwardith and 300 years later dwarven blood is still stong in the Iron Hammer Kin.