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"Oh don't be silly, darling, I'm not going to kill you! Why would I cut our play-time short? No, no, I think we'll have ourselves a little game of cat-and-mouse first. Then I'll eat you, and if I'm in a good mood I'll even kill you first."
  The sly and malevolent manticore that is tasked with the protection of Redwind Tower is known as Rosencrantz. Though Rosencrantz has an air of sophistication and conversational attitude, she is vicious and cruel, taking great enjoyment in the suffering of trespassers to the tower.   Rosencrantz demonstrates an intelligence that is unlike most other examples of manticores in the Realm. Though manticores are capable of speaking common and coordinating with others of their kind, Rosencrantz demonstrates mastery of multiple languages and possesses an intellect far beyond a common humanoid.   Rosencrantz claims she was bound to the tower by Lorian Redwind himself, though the details of their arrangement (and how long she been in service) are fuzzy at best.   The manticore has mentioned that she is not a native to this plane, but rather comes from somewhere in the Shadowfell.

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