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Serrice Alfton

Lord-Mayor Serrice Alfton

"The Lord-Mayor sat at his desk and stared blankly at the sprawl of parchment and scrolls that covered its surface. His advisors reviewed the parchment with him, pointing at the documents and giving a brief synopsis of their contents. His eyes began to dart between the parchment and his advisors, and then his gaze would become lost in the text that overwhelmed his view. The voices of his advisors became a tinny drone that pierced his ears, and he froze. With a jerk he snapped himself out of his stupor and stood up with a start.

'Ahem, well gentlemen I see this is a matter of importance, and as such I will delegate the merchant's council. I think their input will be valuable here.'

The advisors exchanged glances and then began to collect the documents. A leather clad figure silently slinked in the doorway and cleared their throat. The Lord-Mayor's eyes snapped to this visitor, and he gulped and quickly turned to his advisors.

'Now, now, gentlemen I will deliver these to the council myself, please take your leave, I will take care of it. Now if you'll excuse me, I've a meeting.'

The advisors bowed, and walked out of the room as the newcomer stepped in and closed the heavy door behind them, and the soft click of the lock echoed down the hall."
    The current Lord-Mayor of Silverpass, Serrice Alfton is a boisterous and good natured human male in his late fifties. Alfton came from a noble house, and was known to be a party-animal in his youth. His reputation for being friendly and outgoing carried into his adult years, making him a beloved figure amongst the people. It was not a great surprise when he used his natural charisma to gain the support of other noble houses and was elected Lord-Mayor. Under his rule, the prosperity of the people was maintained, but not grown. While his large character makes him appear competent, he has struggled with actually leading the city, instead relying on his various sub-councils to govern in his name.
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