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Skrank the Sneaky

What was that noise? Hello? Who's there? Oh...oh look it's just a lone Goblin, nothing to worry about. Hey, little fella! Scram! Get out of here! Git! Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, so there I was, barbeque sau- ACK! URGH! *gurgling noises*...   Skrank the Sneaky is a ruthless goblin rogue, an exceptionally powerful one at that. Adept at infiltration and assassination, Skrank often works alone or with a small group of trusted and highly trained individuals. When more brute force is needed, Skrank prefers to locate an already established goblinoid gang or warband and assassinate their leaders (often in very public displays) and assume control.    Reports of a sneaky, cloaked, scarred goblin have been heard from throughout the Realm. Some say that Skrank isn't really a goblin, but some kind of demon that takes on the disguise of one. Others say that he isn't just one goblin, but a title that one assumes when they want to do rad shit. Others say that he's a no good backstabbing man, just like the rest of them, and how could he spend such a magical night with a woman and then ghost her the next day when we obviously had such a connection and please just come back, baby I'll do anything please you complete me...   The truth is, Skrank is a goblin. A goblin that comes from the most inhospitable place in the Realm, a place that is kill or be killed, a place where to survive you must be wily and conniving and ruthless: The Goretusk Highlands.

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