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The Goretusk Highlands

The Goretusk Highlands are no fucking joke. Only the roughest, toughest, raddest, and baddest dudes fuck around here. If you even got to contemplate whether you can make it out there, then you're not fucking ready.   This mountainous grassland is untamed, uncut, and un-fuck-wit-able. There's no roads, no cities, and no rules. Gangs of orcs, ogres, giants, and other muscle-bound bad guys roam the land in search of loot and a god damn FIGHT. Kingdoms have tried to stake claims in the highlands before, but none have succeeded.   Once, the famous dwarven adventurer Thaddeus Rockguy  proclaimed "I'm gunna travel across the entire Goretusk Highlands, and I'll be the first one to ever do it!". As soon as he said that, a massive arrow came hurdling through the sky and impaled the dwarf. A note was attached that read: "The fuck you will. Signed, Fuck You"


The Goretusk Highlands are comprised of grassy rolling hills and craggy mountains. There are few trees; the tallest vegetation here are various shrubs and bushes. A constant light mist envelopes the highlands, making it difficult to see great distances.


Here be dragons. Ok maybe not like literally, but there are big bad monsters here. There are areas of the highlands that even it's hardy denizens refuse to go. Your standard variety of game is also found here, but they grow larger and leaner. Ever see an elk with a fuckin' six pack and 24" pythons? How about a rabbit with a big swinging D and a leather jacket? A fox with rippling pecs that smokes cigarettes and cuts class? Yeah, those things are here.

Localized Phenomena

The mist that pervades the highlands does not seem to have any anomalous effect besides being impossible to disperse. Any attempt to clear the fog using magic fails. While the mist hinders visibility slightly, it does not appear to greatly affect those that live here.


Goretusk has always been an untamed land inhabited by those who would be considered savages by the rest of the Realm. In antiquity there was a monstrously strong orc named Korroth Goretusk who once said to his fellow orcs, "HEY. Y'all wanna fuckin' fight?" to which they replied "BET." They then make Goretusk their warchief and the band of orcs united under a single banner. They fought with every goddamn living thing in the highlands until they got bored, at which point Warchief Goretusk said "HEY. Y'all wanna fuckin' get shitfaced for the rest of time?" to which they replied "YUP." and they did. Because Goretusk fought so hard and partied even harder, all the denizens of the highlands agreed to name this region in his honor.    It is said that Korroth Goretusk finally met his end with the only foe strong enough to contend with him: ale. He shotgunned and butt-chugged two barrels of ale at the same time and exploded. The denizens of Goretusk celebrate this feat every year on a day called All-Beers Day.

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