City of Pellam

The Capitol City of Cadbuen is as welcoming to outsiders, its carved halls lit with cool to the touch fiery shifting sands set into the walls as Pellam is unwelcoming, with its naturally formed pitch black caverns and residents who communicate in a language of blinking with eyes that glow in the darkness. Pellam is a haven for Night Elf descendants (Highdark, Archfae, Waterdeep, Stone Elves, Wyrm Elves, Dawn Elves, Darkling Giants Stone Elves, and Stonefolk) who longed for a purity of the land after the Opening of the Void, and the masterful carvings made by the earth below ground, unpolluted by light, the water still running clean and clear from deep beneath was the place to get back to the land. They aren't hostile to outsiders, per se, but if you are disrespectful in any way, or, worse, bring LIGHT, that may change quickly.
Founding Date
768 AF
Location under


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