Town of Esgalwath

It's a hard life on the cold side of the Knife of Gawad, but some trees still live here, and scant game but some, and ice fishing to be had in the summers when you can drill down far enough to reach the water. Of course if you want big game hunting, it's only 75 miles or so to Jotunheim, which the Darkling Giants who live here travel with little trouble.


Founded by Darkling Giants, who are generally still in charge, you will find Night Elves, Giants, and blends of both with other species. At least half the town are hunters, trappers and fisherfolk, with the other half being makers of what is needed in town.


Rules ("laws" would be a bit rigid a word for the setup here) are come to by communal collective, with enforcement by a small group agreed upon by the community as a whole. Troublemakers are more often than not dealt with by a "you don't like it, leave" edict.


Esgalwath doesn't need much actual defense, the general remoteness, sharp mountains to the north and west, and Cîl Gorge to the east do the job rather well.

Industry & Trade

Most of what the residents in Esgalwath have, they make themselves, and most trade is of the barter sort.


As the lands died after the disaster at the Void and the water dried up within Svartalfheim, some Night Elves chose the cold edge of the mountains where it and fish could still be found in Cîl Gorge. This area is rather hidden and remote, keeping inhabitants largely out of the affairs of the rest of the land, and giving a closer connection with neighboring Jotunheim than anywhere else in Svartalfheim.

Points of interest

Cîl Gorge is the most notable feature of this town, the deep, wide, glacial ravine running out of the far north.


With more access to living pine than most in Svartalfheim, the wood and mud clay construction does a decent job of keeping the cold out.


The cold, hard ground here grows little, but is slightly less touched by the rot of the rest of Svartalfheim, dead trees amongst the hardy pines. The western mountains behind the town are jagged and unforgiving, but to the east the land slopes down the gorge river with its thick ice, and fish below.


Svartalfheim wishes they would be troubled by storms, because those often mean water. The blight has ravaged the lands, but with that the weather is rather predictable, in that there isn't much. The temperatures in Svartalfheim vary by region, warmest in the southwest, colder in the north and east. Temperatures in the spring and fall average in the high 50s, rising a mere five degrees in the middle of summer, and dropping by as much as twenty degrees in the winter.

Esgalwath, being on the northeastern edge of the kingdom, sees spring and fall temperatures in the high 40s, peeking into the 50s in the summer, and stays below freezing all winter.
Founding Date
1684 AF
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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