Village of Égeth

Difficult to reach through the thorny marshland, this village of hags and witches is rather charming, if you're a hag or a witch.


Hags, witches, bog mummies and more live in an egalitarian harmony here, having existed for centuries with no governmental system to speak of.


The marshes, bogs, and swamps surrounding Égeth offer the village most of its protection, with more offered by the frankly startling quantity of creatures they contain. That is not to say there are no defenses, because there is no resident of the village without magic powerful enough to make mince of any small band of bandits, for instance, she came across.


Over the centuries, many lost travelers (usually of ill repute) have found their ways to the shores near Égeth. Many have never left. What remains remains in the village, which can range from gear and supplies to stolen treasures.


Materials and natural and little processed here, huts made from stripped tree bark, fallen branches, and whatever has washed up on shore, overhung with tree moss. Because the village is so often flooded, long plank bridges connect the larger structures.


Tucked just away from an ocean inlet, this swampy village is often flooded, the water surrounding always brackish, with no fresh water to be found nearby (little matter to the inhabitants, they need no fresh water). Landward, the settlement is encircled by thorny swamp, thickets of waterlogged trees and roots dense enough to choke all but the dimmest of sunlight.

Natural Resources

The surrounding swamps are full of medicinal plants, if you know what you're looking for, and full of food, both plant and animal, if you can digest them. In the Daggers, there are a great many shipwrecks and storms, and the tides wash quite a lot of bounty up on the shores of the Pit side of this inlet.
Founding Date
812 AF
Location under


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