Village of Peg

Tucked into the fertile hills between the mountains of Nidavellir and Midgard, this little Gnomish village of homesteads and small farms with a market in the center is one of the quietest and most tranquil spots in all of Sarn Hollow. The rest of it tends to be rather noisy.


Peg is a small village of both Gnomes and Halflings living a simple life.


Like many Gnome settlements, the village of Peg is run by the town elder to lend their wisdom and be the final arbiter of disputes, but any real issues are dealt with by the nearby Gnomish capitol of Gorthad.


Tucked into a sleepy valley in the mountains, Peg has never been in much need of defense.

Industry & Trade

Peg does not have much trade, but make a beautiful array of farm goods, including some incredible honey.


In the early days of the Realm, the next hillside over was home to a Gnome who fell for a human across the border, and their child was the first Halfling, whose grandchild founded Peg.

Points of interest

Peg is a small hamlet, but their market is not to be missed, and the apiaries are rather impressive for hives managed by such small folk.


The buildings in Peg are largely simple framings of wood or pine, with mudbrick walls and thatched roofs.


Peg is idyllic, nestled on a fertile hill between the ruggedly beautiful mountains of Nidavellir and the lush green mountains of Midgard. Just down the western hillside is the deep alpine Lake Lenben, where the livestock from Peg and the neighboring towns water themselves.


Nidavellir's climate is generally cool, colder in the north, warmer in the south and east, and damp along the coast, thanks to the frequent storms crashing into the sea cliffs. In the central regions, spring and fall temperatures hover in the low 60s, summers get into the low 70s, with winters in the 40s, with occasional snowfalls. Underground the temperatures are consistent year round, getting either warmer or colder the deeper you go, depending on where in the kingdom you are.

Tucked into a not overly deep valley and far from the coast, weather is mild in Peg. The days are warm or cool by season, spring and autumn in the middle to upper 60s, summers in the middle to high 70s, and winters in the high 40s, with rare but occasional gentle nighttime snowfalls.
Founding Date
675 AF
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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