Grav-Tanks Vehicle in The Realm of Eternity | World Anvil
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Huge, armored behemoths float along the desolate landscape, ready to protect the Power of Eternity from the insidious and destructive forces of evil. The Phoenix Queen 's Grav-Tanks are marvels even of the advanced technology of the Realm of Eternity. Made mainly of Photonamite and utilizing Crystallus data delivery systems, the Grav-Tanks float a half-meter above the terrain, allowing for supreme maneuverability. The payloads of the grav-tanks vary from model to model and from application to application, but the grav-tank is a platform for The Phoenix Queen 's most impressive weaponry. A typical grav-tank, to the extent a grav-tank can be described as typical, supports multiple repeater pulse rifle platforms along with a main artillery gun. The main artillery gun will most often be either a turbo-laser emplacement, or a plasma cannon.   The anti-grav technology employed in grav-sleds and other personal transportation is multiplied in an exponential manner in these large armor applications. In fact, the grav-tanks can be described as nimble and quick for such heavy equipment. Such maneuverability comes at a cost, however, as the anti-grav field generator technology is prone to overheat during high-intensity maneuvering. Therefore, a well trained grav-tank crew knows when it is appropriate to push the limits of the anti-grav tech and when the tank needs time to cool down.   Heavily armored, the grav-tank is most often utilized in engagements with the clanking horde of robo-zombies that litter The Electro Wastes Wastes and continue their attempts to infiltrate Castle Ridge.   The vile forces of destruction and evil seek to corrupt the Power of Eternity. The continuing defense of the Power requires the Queen's scientists to continue to push the envelope of what is possible. The Grav-Tank is certainly a great example of the evolution of the technological wonders of the Realm of Eternity, but what evolution of the platform will we see next? How can the Queen's scientists push the envelope further?

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