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Fey Goblin

Fey Goblins are a race of Goblinoids that live in the forests, hills, and mountains of the Feywild.  They are small in size, measuring between 2'9" and 3'6" fully grown, with females being shorter than average.  Fey Goblins are stocky for Goblinoids, with more in common with Hairy-men than with Goblins, Halflings, or High Goblins.  Like Hairy-men, brown or beige fur covers all but their faces, hands, and feet, though their skin is a deep shade of green, rather than the light brown of Hairy-men.   Fey Goblins most commonly live in small villages or wandering tribes, battling each other and hunting the great Fey Stags on the backs of tamed Blink Dogs.  Living in the feywild has enhanced their war cries, which manage to strike fear into the hearts of even the boldest beasts, although it has no effect on other Fey Goblins.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most Fey Goblin tribes are lead by women, most often grandmothers, who have many daughters with many children. This provides them with many loyal sons and grandsons to rest power from less fertile rivals.  These matriarchs do everything other Goblinoid chiefs would do, save leading their warriors into battle.  Although it is not unheard of to field female warriors, it is considered a great dishonor to be lead by a woman, primarily because Fey Goblin warfare focuses heavily on killing the enemy leader to shatter moral.  Thus, putting a matriarch or mother in such a dangerous position is considered cowardly and dishonorable.   Tribal matriarchs are often advised by Souleaters, Fey Goblins with shaman-like spellcasting who fight with no weapons but their teeth. These Souleaters conduct rituals, heal the wounded, and concoct herbal remedies for the old, sick, and pregnant. These Souleaters sometimes lead warriors into battle, grabbing onto their enemies and tearing bits of flesh out with their mouths to gobble down.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fey Goblins most commonly live in the hills, forests, and mountains of the Feywild, although some reports of tribes in the far South of the Mortal Plane seem credible enough.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

There was once a Fey Goblin kingdom, east of Cliff-Delta City, called the Green Kingdom.  Disease and infighting has reduced it to three squabbling tribes that call themselves to Greencrowns, the Baddbaks, and the Midbendor.

Gender Ideals

Most Fey Goblin tribes expect the males to train as hunters or warriors, although they are not prevented from taking on other roles.  Male Fey Goblins do most of the dangerous work, hoping that their brave deeds, victories, and plunder will win them the favour of a female from their village.     Fey Goblin females are expected to bear at least one child for the village and are often praised by their contributions of more.  A mother's children are considered fully hers and when tribes use the practice of surnames, the mother's surname is passed on to her children.

Courtship Ideals

It is considered incredibly offensive for a male to be forward with a female that has not expressed interest in a male, which is usually done by the female kissing a male.  These kisses are not invitations to mate per say, but rather permission to think of them as a potential to make advances, which may be rejected or denied when they are made.  In some villages, it is death for a male to make advances before the kiss is given.

Relationship Ideals

Most Fey Goblin tribes do not practice traditional marriages.  Although many stay in pairs for as long as they live, there are seldom laws keeping them faithful or preventing them from leaving on a whim.

Average Technological Level

There are few, if any, Fey Goblin smiths, and it is unlikely that one could flourish in a village.  It is considered very dishonorable to use a weapon that you did not make yourself or take from a foe you struck down.  As such, Fey Goblins most commonly use stone weapons and bows.  Axes, spears, and daggers are common amongst them.  Fey Goblins that fight with races that use steel and iron often have their best warriors equipped with steel weapons as a direct result of their prowess, rather than out of a desire to give their best the best chance.     Fey Goblins seldom wear armor, sighting discomfort rather than dishonor.  The most common piece of armor worn by Fey Goblins are helmets and some have been know to use shields.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Fey Goblins use a queer dialect of Goblar with a hint of Sylvan, which many also speak.

Common Dress Code

Fey Goblins seldom wear any form of clothing.  Their fur keeps them warm and cozy and the more shame free sexuality of their tribes provide little reason to cover themselves.  Those that frequent settlements of other races sometimes garb themselves in loose vests and puffy pants that cover the parts deemed unseemly by other races while not being to uncomfortable.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

When a Fey Goblin harms another, be it physically or in terms of honor, and wishes to make amends, they make what is called a gifted apology.  This gift must be of an item that the Fey Goblin fully owns, meaning they must have made it themselves or take it from an enemy they kill.  The more severe the injury, the greater the gift must be.  Insults or a brawl might require something as simple as a rabbit or small trinket, whereas uninvited advances or the killing of a loved one might be satisfied with the pelt of a Fey Wolf or an item with magical properties of one kind or another.

Common Taboos

Ownership of items in a Fey Goblin Village is usually considered partially communal.  They only claim that one can have on an item is if they made it or killed another to gain it.  It is by this custom that children Fey Goblin women birth are considered full theirs.  It is believed that in one way or another, this was what made the taboo against using a weapon not wholly considered your own.   A male making advances on a female that has yet to give him a kiss is considered tantamount to sexual assault.  Punishment varies from tribe to tribe, death being an extreme but not unheard of sentence.  Some villages are content with banishment or gifted apology.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most Fey Goblins view members of other races as dishonorable and uncouth, while also seeing them as needlessly prude.  Their custom of looting the dead and other strange actions leads to misunderstandings and conflict with other races and groups that don't share or understand the values held by Fey Goblins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
A Fey Goblin can live for a little under a century in ideal conditions, though they often die much younger
Average Height
2'9" - 3'6"
Average Weight
40 lbs. - 50 lbs.
Geographic Distribution

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