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Hrakka contains the densest population of Hrakken people in the Empire, although they are outnumbered by the Vasite population, held as slavestock in the city.


The Council of Thirteen directly controls the city, based in Koh's School of the Dark Arts.  They decide everything via a vote for or against, majority rule.  Each of the thirteen members has a different aspect they oversee both for the city and the Empire as a whole.  These include Arcana, Architecture, Agriculture, Property, Intellectual Property, War, Trade, Diplomatic Relations, and others.


In bygone days, a mysterious group of foreigners travelled up the Zindan River and built a city of stone and steel, erecting three mighty towers almost entirely of steel atop a hill overlooking where the River Ash meets Zindan River. The only historical account of these strange settlers comes from oral records of the early Hrakkens, who believed them to be a Goblinoid race of innovators and crafters. Sometime in the 500's the city was abandoned for reasons that are as of yet unclear. Nobody knows where the builders went or why they left their city. There was no damage to indicate battle or disaster, nor the mass graves indicative of widespread disease. Regardless of the reason the city was left empty, the Hrakken Humans soon occupied the site and began building their own city around the old one, giving the city two distinct architectural styles. The city grew of the next nine centuries as the cultural centre for the Hrakken people. A system of thirteen towers was built out of black stone. It is believed that the structure was built as some form of worship to either gods or spirits that the early Hrakkens worshipped as deities, but over time it became a place of learning and matters arcane. This complex would eventually become Koh's School of the Dark Arts.   In 1450, during the Gnome Plagues, a sickness swept through the city, killing ninety to ninety-eight percent of the population. The Hrakken people never fully recovered from this disaster, instead giving rise to the Necromancers that created the The Hrakken Empire.     During the Path of Wrath in 2020, the Tarrasque passed within a handful of miles south of the city, seemingly deeming there to be too few inhabitants to bother with.  The Necromancers used its passing to consolidate power by summoning the Hrakken people together in Hrakka and promising their protection.  Once they were gathered in the city, the necromancers tested them, selecting those with promising arcane abilities for wives, husbands, and apprentices.  The remaining Hrakkens were slain and used to create an undead armies thousands strong.  They used these undead as protection for the city and as servents in the coming centuries.     As the Hrakken Empire expanded, it absorbed surrounding Human lands and the peoples who didn't escape were brought to Hrakka as slavestock or slaughtered.
Alternative Name(s)
The Twice Ruined City, the City of Steel, or Grand Hrakka
Location under
Owning Organization

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