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Infernal Order

The infernal order is a strict hierarchy observed by the Devils of Hell. A Devil is unable to knowingly violate the terms of the order and even accidental or unwitting violations are usually met with demotion or even absolute destruction.



Infernal Lords

The 9 Infernal Lords each rule over a conquered layer of Hell in the Abyss. They command Greater Devils and follow no orders save those from Do'Asmodeus himself. If a new layer of the Abyss was conquered, it would be given to Do'Asmodeus and a new Infernal Lord would take his place as the god-like Infernal Lord of the 9th Hell. This has not happened for nigh on two thousand years.   Infernal Lords have immense power so long as they are on their own plane of existence. They can functionally cast the Wish spell at will.

Greater Devils

Greater Devils include everything from the lazy Horned Devil to the mighty Pit Fiends. They serve at the behest of the Infernal Lords and command Lesser Devils with impunity. Greater Devils can gain renown through the collection of mortal souls.   After being promoted to the status of Greater Devil, a Devil regains all the memories of its mortal life and gain the ability to officiate pacts in the name of their Infernal Lord. They also revise their surname to O'xxxxxxxx, where the x's are the name of their Infernal Lord. For instance, a Erinyes named Visper serving Do'Iccadar would be called Visper O'Iccadar.  

Internal Hierarchy

Within the ranks of an Infernal Lords Greater Devils, another hierarchy is observed. Devils higher in the hierarchy can command Devils of a lower standing, but only within the ranks of one Infernal Lord. For instance, a Pit Fiend under Do' Lizurak can command a Amnizu under Do' Lizurak, but not one under Do'Eil.
Greater Devil Hierarchy Rank CR
Pit Fiend 1 20
Red Abishai 2 19
Amnizu 3 18
Blue Abishai 4 17
Green Abishai 5 15
Gelugon (ice devil) 6 14
Narzugon 7 13
Erinyes 8 12
Cornugon (horned devil) 9 11
Greater Devils can be promoted or demoted within this internal hierarchy by the Infernal Lord that they serve. The end goal of most Devils is to get to the upper echelon of Greater Devils. Some of these Greater Devils have been Greater Devils for hundreds or thousands of years and are careful in action to maintain their position at the top.  

Lesser Devils

Lesser Devils include everything from a lowly Nupperibo to the cunning Orthon are considered Lesser Devils. These Devils must follow the commands of any Greater Devil, with priority going to the Greater Devils under their Infernal Lord. For most Lesser Devils the only methods of gaining renown are following the orders of Greater Devils and implementing Lemures in a useful way, a very challenging prospect considering the pitiful state of Lemures. Some of the higher ranked Lesser Devils, especially Chain Devils, are permitted to be bound to Warlocks in order to establish pacts with other mortals.   After being promoted to the station of Lesser Devil, a Devil remembers nothing about its time as a Lemure, but begins to remember parts of its mortal life. These memories rarely amount to much, usually just their name and general facts about their life, such as race, gender, and profession. It also gains the ability to take on the form it had as a mortal, but as able to change its gender if it so chooses. In addition to the first name it remembers, a Lesser Devil takes a surname appropriate to its station and Infernal Lord. This name comes in the form of O'xxxx, the x's being a shortened form of the Infernal Lord's name. For instance, an Imp named Vinhanna that serves Do'Mirakar would be called Vinhanna O'Mir.  

Internal Hierarchy

Within an the ranks of an Infernal Lord's Lesser Devils, another hierarchy is observed. Devils higher in the hierarchy can command Devils of a lower standing, but only within the ranks of one Infernal Lord. For instance, a Spinagon under Do' Lizurak can command an Imp under Do' Lizurak, but not one under Do'Eil.
Lesser Devil Internal Hierarchy Rank CR
Orthon 1 10
Osyluth (Bone Devil) 2 9
Kyton (chain devil) 3 8
White Abishai 4 7
Black Abishai 5 6
Hamatula (barbed devil) 6 5
Merregon 7 4
Nergaliid 8 3
Barbazu (bearded devil) 8 3
Spinagon 9 2
Imp 10 1
Nupperibo 11 1/2
Lesser Devils can be promoted or demoted within this internal hierarchy by Greater Devils, provided that they belong to the same Infernal Lord. If a Lesser Devil is not proactive in trying to please its betters, it may remain a Lesser Devil for hundreds or even thousands of years.  


Lemures are the lowest of the low. They retain no memories of their past and have no practical awareness of their actions as a lemure. Every Lemure is entirely under the command of any Devil above it. One of the only things a Lemure knows how to do is tell is what Devils are superior to others. They follow the commands of the highest ranking Devil before the commands of a Devil of a lower rank. Lemures have no allegiance to any specific Infernal Lord.   Lemures can be promoted to the status of Lesser Devil by a Greater Devil, thus joining the service of the Infernal Lord of that Greater Devil. These promotions are always based in convenience as opposed to merit, for Lemures have none. Most Lemures are never promoted, remaining barely alive for hundreds or thousands of years.  

Promotion and Demotion

Within Category

Any Devil of a higher category can promote or demote a Devil of a lower rank, provided that both the Devils are under the same Infernal Lord.  

To a Different Category

In order for a Devil to demote another Devil, they must be a category above them and belong to the same Infernal Lord as the Devil they are demoting. This is done as a punishment for insubordination, cowardice, or weakness.   In order for a Devil to promote another Devil, they must be a category above the one that they wish to promote the other devil to. These promotions can come from a Devil of a different Infernal Lord and often, but not always, come with a transfer to that Infernal Lord.

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