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Auth, The Lich king, God of Undeath

Auth, Archmagister of Sioa, was one of the first true mages to study the arcane arts and harness the power of Mil. The advancements in the studies of magic brought upon by his genius were many, and it is thought that without his discoveries, mankind would not wield Mil as masterfully as it does, or have access to the revolutionary Arcanotech technology that is commonplace now. He was there during the creation of The Great Tree, and assisted in stopping the Primordial war between the elemental planes and The Great War alongside Lamis, the Archdruid and Öldrin, the Dwarven King. Most records however prefer to expunge him from history… Auth was a knowledgeable man, and he made it a priority to expand that knowledge as much as he could. He was no fool, and knew the limits of his mortal human life. He took steps to prolong his lifespan through seals, runes and whatever means he could find. But as time passed, his human form began to deteriorate. As much as he wished, mortality was catching up to him quickly, and unlike Lamis, he wasn't gifted by the natural extended life of the Elves, Dwarves, Archdruids, or the divine beings. Reaching the end of his mortal human life, he would not let such a lousy end befall the Archmagister of Sioa. No half-baked archmage would take his position. He would remain as the one and only true Archmage in the Realm. It was in this foolish search for immortality that Auth discovered the esoteric forgotten texts of the Scholars who shall not be named, which detailed rituals of undeath and, most importantly, Lichdom. With it, he could be comparable to the gods. He would acquire true immortality. In these new findings Auth secretly poured his efforts into deciphering the ancient tongues of the Scholars to try to unlock his true potential. Once he managed to understand the necessary steps, Auth went through with a fowl ritual with which a grand majority of the population of Eastern Milnir's southern side was consumed. Over 100.000 lives were lost in his pursuit, until Lamis and Öldrin stepped up to the task, his old companions. A great battle was fought. Although they tried to stop him, the ritual was completed, but using the last ounce of his strength, Lamis managed to banish Auth by tearing off the earth itself, and binding him to what is now known as The Forbidden Isle. Here Auth remains, expanding his undead army with the inhabitants of Old Hewlig which he had taken over during his ritual. He hopes to someday destroy the seal binding him, and in doing so, destroy the Great Tree and bring chaos to the Realm.
  He now represents Undeath, a combination of Death and Decay, and even though many group him with the Gods of Destruction, the majority of them would rather not associate themselves with him.
  Most followers of Auth are rejected by the rest of Milnir's pantheon, but in dedicating themselves to the power of Undeath, are granted a different gift: Immortality.


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