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Rising of the Lich King and the fall of East Milnir


After the conflicts were done, Expansion efforts overtook the Land. Many inhabited Eastern Milnir already due to the Empire's previous expansion, but with the formation of Trinity, true expansion and diversity was able to be achieved. Booming in progress, Eastern Milnir began to grow in numbers and people. However, this would be short-lived... Auth attempts to ascend to lichdom, fearing his death from old age. Lamis and Öldrin attempt to stop him, but to no avail. Lamis, before succumbing to his injuries, manages to lock Auth into the Forbidden Isle, where he resides today. Curses and evil forces spread across East Milnir, turning it almost uninhabitable.

Auth, reaching the end of his mortal human life, would not let such a lousy end befall the Archmagister of Sioa. No half-baked wannabe archmage would take his position. He would remain as the one and only true Archmage in the Realm. It was in this foolish search for immortality that Auth discovered the esoteric forgotten texts of the Scholars who shall not be named, which detailed rituals of undeath and, most importantly, Lichdom. In these new findings Auth secretly poured his efforts into deciphering the ancient tongues of the Scholars to try to unlock his true potential. Once he managed to understand the necessary steps, Auth went through with a fowl ritual with which a grand majority of the population of Eastern Milnir's southern side was consumed. Over 100.000 lives were lost in his pursuit, untiil Lamis and Öldrin stepped up to the task. A great battle was fought between these past allies, in which Lamis was struck with lethal force and killed, but before going down, he was able to cast Auth out by severing the connection between him and the rest of Milnir, forming the Forbidden Isle. There resides Auth now, expanding his armies with the undead population of Eastern Milnir at his side. Because of Auth's dark arts, undeath and other curses spread all across East Milnir like a plague, until most of it was consumed by the rotted dark of the creatures of the night. Now, it is a cesspool of the worst the realm has to offer

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