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In his short sighted rejection of the Gods, Frøtmäg caught the interest of Ynnkrug, and in doing so damned his own kind. Although the Cloud and Storm giants managed to be spared due to their blood containing the will of Himinn and Zephyr, the other giants were not so fortunate. Hill Giants, Frost, Fire and Stone giants were infused with a craving for violence and war. Now most of their kind finds itself endlessly toiling in unnecessary conflict and death, with marauding and pillaging being a source of great joy for the average Giant.  

Fire Giants

Fire Giants managed to maintain some semblance of order due to their strong connection to Luz, and as such are able to hold complex societies. In the Isle of Fire the Giant City of Brunei stands tall and strong. The Fire Giants of Brunei are master crafters of Weaponry and excel at smelting and smith work, and are willing to take in students to learn their ways as long as they’re capable of showing prowess in battle. These tests are brutal and highly lethal, and many poor smiths looking to enhance their skills end up buried beneath many feet of thick magma flowing down the top of the ever burning volcanoes of the Isle of Fire. Survivors and victors of these tests, however, are awarded the secret and valuable knowledge of the Fire Giants in Smithing and Crafting weapons and armor, and are highly seeked out by nobility and cities to lead their workforce. Students of the Fire Giants are not allowed to share their knowledge, however, as this would mean an insult to their teachings. If such a thing happens, they break a great oath they swear by after passing their trials, and are capable of forgetting everything they learned if they do so.  

Frost Giants

Frost Giant tribes quite often merge with Goliath tribes in the windy tundras of Halsar. This does not occur by accident, as usually the union comes from a Goliath tribe seeking the strength of the Frost Giants or managing to prove themselves worthy of their presence. If a Frost Giant Chieftain is beaten in combat by the Chief of a Goliath tribe, it is common to see an entire tribe begin to follow the commands of the victor. Frost Giants, although violent, short sighted and warmongering, are highly loyal, and once earned, the loyalty of a Frost Giant is hard to dissuade.  

Hill Giants

Hill Giants are mostly dumb brutes that have little understanding or interest in complex culture or structure. They inhabit small patches of land that they claim as territory and live mostly solitary lives, with a handful of other Hill Giants working together at a time, and only really looking for other Giants as either a necessity for survival or to find a mate. They live off of hunting and stealing whatever they can get their hands on, and are not particularly good at forming strategy or planning a course of action when in combat or when preparing to attack a village or town.  

Cloud Giants

Cloud Giants live way up in the skies, either in the Isle of Air or upon the clouds that float overhead the different parts of the world or on the peaks of mountains. They find solace and tranquility in their cloudy homes, and some are shown to have a sense of justice and duty, assisting towns and villages that they happen to come across, and a few might even live among people as protectors. They’re able to walk on clouds as if they were solid ground. Some cloud giants however are highly territorial, and can become hostile to approaching strangers or wandering commoners. They might see villages that are built near their home as an insult to them, and proceed to attack in furious anger. Others hold a hatred for man, and actively seek out to harm whoever they come across. A few live lives as hermits, away from any kind of civilization. Not very often do Cloud Giants seek eachother out or work together, but when the situation calls for it they might unite.  

Storm Giants

Storm Giants live at the top of mountainous peaks, and ride storms as they come and go. They are spread far and wide in remote places across the realm, not even being easy to find in the Isle of Air. Rarely does a Storm Giant seek to actively harm another living being, but if called to action will not hesitate to fight. Storm Giants are said to be capable of reading the stars and seeing the future, which has led some to believe the Star Elves might have some connection with them.

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