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the Archivist

Illsharn is an Ancient Conspirator Dragon responsible for founding and leading The Fellowship of Quill and Sword.   In order to keep the fact they are a dragon secret, Illsharn has to fake their death and change their prefered disguise every couple decades. This becomes quite convoluted, as Illsharn will often have to have multiple personas active at once, so that, when they have to change disguises, the new Master Archivist doesn't just apepar out of nowhere. Illsharn's current disguise is that of an elderly elf woman named Leila Davitaia, a

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Illsharn has a complicated relationship with gender. While born biologically male, Illsharn spends most of their time disguised as a mortal. Due to having to switch disguises, and often gender, every couple decades, Illsharn has fluid view of their own gender.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Illsharn is the founder and leader of The Fellowship of Quill and Sword.

Personality Characteristics


Illsharn is motivated by knowledge. They feel that knowledge is power and that one can do the most good by spreading knowledge to where it is needed, and, in rare circumstances, hiding knowledge that is too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands.

Likes & Dislikes

Illsharn loves old books, especially those that were thought to have been lost. He is also a huge fan of puzzles and riddles.

Virtues & Personality perks

Illsharn is quite possibly the smartest mortal being on the planet. They have an insatiable hunger for knowledge and wishes to use what they have learned to make positive change in the world, whether that be teaching a farming village new agricultural techniques or curing a disease that is plaguing a nation.

Vices & Personality flaws

Illsharn sees the world in black and white. They believe that all disagreement with how they do things arises from ignorance, and they have little patience for ignorance or fools.

Wealth & Financial state

A large hoarde, primarily consisting of valuble books, scrolls, and carvings, but also containing a great deal of wealth.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master Archivist of the Fellowship of Quill and Sword
Year of Birth
390 999 Years old
Current Residence
The Athenaeum
Dependent on disguise
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Too many books, too few centuries."   “Beauty you're born with, but brains you earn.”
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Illsharn prides themself on knowing every spoken language. They often boast that they will eat their most prized book if someone can find a language under the sun that they do not speak. (Rumor has it there are in fact three languages spoken under the sun that they do not speak, and the Research and Field Wings have a longstanding competition to see who can figure out what they are first.)
Ruled Locations