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*deceased* - Ilizinnii, The Heart Eater


The party first became aware of Ilizinnii while investigating gnoll raiders along the road to Veruda; she made her lair in a cavern deep below the hills, seemingly sending the gnolls to bring her living victims. She was an adult red dragon, although her scales were more a dull metal-black color.   Lucretia was captured and nearly killed by the dragon while scouting the lair, where she learned that the dragon was an ally of Regina Onyx (who appeared during this encounter as well). After recruiting help from the Adventurer's Guild in Veruda, the rest of the party ventured into Ilizinni's lair to save Lucretia and slay the dragon. The battle that followed in the dragon's lair nearly cost the party their lives, but in the end Ilizinnii was slain-- leaving unanswered the mystery of where she came from, or what use she had been to Seraphina Onyx and her daughter.

A savage, cunning dragon who made her lair in the southern hills of the Eastern Midlands.

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Date of Death
21 of Summer, 1088
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the party, with help from Adventurer's Guild members.
She / Her


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