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[deceased] - Saidro Vasvadan

[deceased] - Saidro Vasvadan (a.k.a. The Undying King)

Centuries ago, Saidro Vasvadan was born a human sorcerer with a natural talent for magic; now he is remembered as the Undying King, the tyrannical lich who threatened to conquer all of Raen'dor not once, but three times throughout history. While the truth is lost to time, most historians agree that Vasvadan spent decades living in the Shadowfell, and was deeply affected by the dark magics of that plane; perhaps this is where he learned the secret to becoming a lich, or how he gained the incredible necromantic powers he exerted over his legions of undead followers. It is unknown what evil magic allowed Saidro Vasvadan to become the Undying King, but regardless when he returned to the Material Plane it was as an undead conqueror.   He prepared in secret at first, building the dread castle Gor'fathal and building a cult of dark wizards around him; when it was time to strike, he sent his undead legions forth to lay siege on the mainland realms. This was the beginning of the first war against the Undying King-- but it would not be the last. While the people of Raen'dor prevailed against that evil, the King died only to rise again some years later-- once again bringing war to the realms as he attacked a second time. Again he was defeated, and again he rose; it seemed he could never be destroyed, and that Raen'dor was doomed to fall to his army with time.   That third war was the longest and most bloody, but it was also the last. Saidro Vasvadan was finally destroyed for good by the six members of the Evenlights, who located his phylactery and destroyed it before defeating him in a legendary final battle. Still, he forever made his mark on the history of the realms-- and the name of the Undying King still carries a dread weight.

One of the greatest threats ever to rise against the realms of Raen'dor, and perhaps the most powerful necromancer in all recorded history.

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Current Status
Date of Death
51st of Spring
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed by Castalia Nightcrest and the Evenlights.
Place of Death
He / Him


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