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98th Class Adventuring Parties

Every year at Nightcrest Academy, students are divided into four adventuring parties-- six members each, as an homage to the six Evenlights who saved Raen'dor and led to the Academy's founding. These parties are final, barring any major circumstance that would force a change; if students are to excel at Nightcrest, they will have to learn to work with their party and bring out the best in each other. For the 98th Class, four pairs of co-captains were chosen by the Headmaster and asked to draft their remaining classmates into parties, aiming for a balanced mix of classes and skill sets within the party. The party draft took place on the 3rd of Spring, 1088, to kick off the last semester of the 98th Class's first year at Nightcrest. The parties are:   Your Party (name pending), advised by Professor Claudia D'hal and Se'eren Liadon
-Oliver Roche
-Fantasia Honeymeadow
-Lucretia Ambrose
-Aurelia Merdon
-Clarissa Blythe
  Saturdays are for the Bois (& Fenwyn), advised by Professor Ira Kerris
-Fitzwilliam Wildemere
-Alecto Yatari
-Fenwyn Zelentes
-Talos Blackhoof
-Droosh Kilbor
-Julien Hargreve
  Passion Project, advised by Professor Kotesh Nithran
-Passion Pykos
-Freya Dumaine
-Zahiri Valtris
-Darci Undertopple
-Daelynn Windwalker
-Garran Lumbark
  Beasts Unleashed (Bros 4 Life), advised by Professor Aoife Braithe
-Rory Auliffe
-Twigg Dirtdigger
-Keri Edena
-Ankle Biter
-Theran Nassal
-Cheeva Lightpaw


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