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Clarissa's Dream & First Reading

Clarissa Blythe claims that her grandmother was able to accurately read fortunes using tarokka cards, giving (sometimes unpleasant) hints as to what fate may have in store. She also had a dream where River, Fantasia, Lucretia and Oliver were all dying together in the woods while Theran Nassal stood by, covering in blood. When Lucretia caught wind of this ominous recurring dream, Clarissa offered to attempt such a tarokka reading for the group; after some debate, the four settled on a question: "what links us together?" (keeping vague per Clarissa's instructions). Each of them picked a card to be interpreted by Clarissa, the results being (in order):

River: The Mists (High Deck) - a sign of something unexpected that cannot be avoided; a great quest or journey that will test one's spirit.
Fantasia: The Anarchist (Six of Glyphs) - A fundamental, chaotic change brought on by one whose beliefs are being put to the test.
Lucretia: The Darklord (High Deck) - A single, powerful individual of an evil nature, whose goals have enormous and far-reaching consequences.
Oliver: The Paladin (Two of Swords) - Just and noble warriors; those who live by a code of honor and integrity. Usually seen as heroes.

Clarissa's reading, given the cards in order, was that the four had been (or would be) brought together for a sort of quest, which would test their beliefs and cause chaos in their lives (or in the world). At the center of this quest may be a figure represented by the Darklord; perhaps the four are the paladins who will rise against that villain, or perhaps that Paladin represents another figure they will encounter who opposes the Darklord. It was also suggested that each individual's card relates most closely to them, or will be a key part for them to play throughout their time together.

Of course, a reading is not conclusive, and Clarissa seemed a bit embarrassed after it was complete. Is it truly a glimpse of the future, or nothing more than a curiosity?


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