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Dark Magic and Banned Spells

Since the defeat of the Undying King nearly a century ago, the nobles of Raen’dor assembled alongside the realms’ most powerful mages to decree that, in this new age, those spellcasters who turned to dark magic would be punished by the laws of the land. There have been debates regarding the effectiveness of this decree in the decades to follow– the most common counterpoint being that a spell itself cannot be evil, and that one who is evil can cause just as much harm with “legal” magics (many of the more destructive Evocation spells come to mind). However, the fact that the Undying King and his followers– not to mention the other evils of the Shadowfell, and the dark schemes of the Feywild’s more malevolent forces– employed such magics was enough to convince the majority of Raen’dor’s leadership that these spells and rituals were best left lost to time. Below is the list of known spells that are banned throughout Raen’dor; this does not mean that they are not recorded or known by some, but it does mean that casting them will result in jail time, restriction of magical abilities, or even execution depending on the severity of its effect– or, more likely in the case of young students at Nightcrest– expulsion from the Academy and/or Adventurer’s Guild. The list is fairly long, but the general traits that cause a spell to be banned are along the lines of:
  1. The spell raises the dead, creates undead, or otherwise deals in contacting/using the dead as part of the spell. In Raen’dor, it is strongly believed that the dead should rest once they have passed.
  2. The spell deals primarily in necrotic damage (a few spells that deal especially horrific non-necrotic damage, also fall into this category).
  3. The spell contacts or summons an evil extraplanar entity, such as a fiend.
  4. The spell curses the target.
  5. The spell goes beyond a standard charm spell, forcefully bending a victim’s mind to one’s will and completely bypassing consent of the victim to commit various deeds (the best example being Dominate Person/Monster).
Here is the full list of (known) Banned Spells:  
  • Animate Dead
  • Bestow Curse
  • Hunger of Hadar
  • Life Transference
  • Speak with Dead
  • Spirit Shroud
  • Summon Lesser Demon
  • Summon Shadowspawn
  • Summon Undead
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Shadow of Moil
  • Summon Greater Demon
  • Contagion
  • Cloudkill
  • Dance Macabe
  • Dominate Person
  • Enervation
  • Geas
  • Infernal Calling
  • Modify Memory
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Raise Dead
  • Circle of Death
  • Create Undead
  • Disintegrate
  • Eyebite
  • Harm
  • Soul Cage
  • Summon Fiend
  • Power Word Pain
  • Resurrection
  • Tether Essence
  • Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting
  • Clone
  • Dominate Monster
  • Feeblemind
  • Power Word Kill
  • Time Ravage
  • True Resurrection
Exceptions:   There are a few low-level necromancy spells and other spells similar to these that are not banned; however, those spells are generally not taught or encouraged as they may lead down a dangerous path. For example, an innate ability may allow a caster to use Chill Touch, or Inflict Wounds; similarly, a fey-touched caster may be able to Charm Person innately even without access to other magic. Those casters are free to use those spells, but they might draw the attention of those who enforce magical law and/or arouse suspicion among other casters in doing so. Many magical educators consider these spells "warning signs" and actively discourage the use of them if a student reveals their ability to do so. Also of special note is Revivify; while other resurrection magic is generally classified as Necromancy, Revivify is more aligned with healing magic in Raen’dor due to the timing constraints that it works within.


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