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Gods & Religion

The gods and religion place a smaller, more personal role in Raen’dor compared to many other parts of the world. While the gods were once involved in the lives of Raen’dor’s people long ago, the peoples’ connection with the gods was greatly weakened when it separated from the rest of the Material Plane; in the centuries since, the people of Raen’dor have become far less devoted to the gods. Clerics and paladins of the gods are quite rare, and many druidic orders are guided by fey understandings of the land rather than the teachings of old deities. Still, some stories and teachings of the gods and their religions have been passed down throughout generations– and now with the Realignment, the people of the realms are beginning to encounter the followers of entirely new deities.   Cutting to the chase, there are four main deities that most folk of Raen’dor would recognize by name and may pray to. While each one has groups of more dedicated supporters and/or champions scattered throughout the realms, none of them have more than a few small temples; most people will pray to the god that most seems appropriate to pray to in a given moment, but don’t organize around the gods or their teachings in any grander scale.
  • Pelor, the Dawnfather: Also called the Lifegiver, most people hoping for healing or guidance might utter prayers to Pelor. Most people remember his gifts from ages past and pay their respects to him accordingly.
  • Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon: God of justice, wisdom and good dragons, Bahamut’s name is taken up by paladins or other knights when praying for bravery or rallying against an unjust cause.
  • Melora, the Wildmother: Goddess of nature and the wilds, druids and rangers are among those who most often pray to Melora. It is also fairly common to travelers to pray to Melora for protection before setting up camp on the road.
  • The Raven Queen: The goddess of death has existed in relative obscurity for most of Raen’dor’s history, with her prayers serving as funeral rites and nothing more. However, since the rise and fall of the Undying King she has gained a fair amount of worshippers and recognition as she is known to strongly oppose all undead (in fact, this is a common thread between all four of these deities).
In addition to these gods, there are several powerful Archfey who– while not deities– have garnered followers and even worshippers over the centuries due to their incredible power and influence. The Summer and Winter Queens are the two standouts, but there are several other Archfey that have caught the attention of mortals over the years. While many of these Archfey’s followers are more cult-like or secretive, no doubt you’ll hear about (or even meet) some of these figures on your adventures.


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