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He of Infinite Branches

Relkath (a.k.a. He Of Infinite Branches)

Known as the "first child of Lurue" (most likely a creation of that Archfey), Relkath is a giant, lumbering Archfey who wanders the Feywild planting and nurturing trees-- trees that are connected to the Feywild's innate magic, able to grow to immense heights and transform depending on the emotions of those living among them. He is a simple being, rarely speaking or approaching travelers as he makes his endless journey across his plane; however, he is able to communicate with every tree in the Feywild and remembers exactly where each one took root. Why this is important is that Relkath is one of the only beings in the entirety of the Feywild that can actually provide accurate and complete directions to lost travelers, usually asking for very little in return.

An Archfey lord of nature; the first child of Lurue.

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