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Isles of Vasvadan - Region Introduction

These isles to the northeast were long the seat of the lich Saidro Vasvadan, a name mostly forgotten in favor of his dreaded title: the Undying King. Through the use of dark powers gained from within the Shadowfell, thrice the lich raised armies of the dead and waged war on the realms of Raen’dor, defeated each time only to return years later– that is, until his phylactery was found and destroyed by the Evenlights, who stormed his fortress and finally destroyed him once and for all. Whether Vasvadan was drawn to these islands because of the intense Shadowfell influence, or the isles were absorbed into the Shadowfell after he made them his home, no one is sure– but even now with the recent separation of the planes, these islands are still nearly indistinguishable from the greater Shadowfell itself (and are avoided at all costs by most).


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