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Playable Races - Overview

This article covers all the various peoples that live throughout the Realms of Raen'dor; refer to this if you ever make a new player character in this setting, or if you are curious about the sorts of people who you might encounter throughout your journeys!   Common Folk   These are the most common peoples of Raen'dor; no matter where you are in the realms, you wouldn't bat an eye if you met anyone of these races (including sub-races):
  • Human
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Orc
  • Gnome
  • Halfling
  • Tiefling
  • Dragonborn
  • Goblin
  Fey-Touched Folk   These races have all been influenced in some way by the magics of the Feywild; while these folk might be less common in other parts of the Material Plane, they are nearly as common a sight as the common folk listed above. (Reminder: if you choose to play as one of these races, your creature type will be Fey):
  • Satyr
  • Changeling
  • Firbolg
  • Hobgoblin
  • Bugbear
  • Fairy
  • Owlin*
  • Eladrin*
(*Not considered Fey per rules as written in D&D 5E, but are considered Fey in this campaign setting.)   Uncommon Folk   These races don't show up as frequently or universally as the common or fey folk; they aren't so rare that they would be considered on oddity or draw tons of unwanted attention, but it would also be possible to live one's life without meeting someone of one or more of these peoples (especially if you live somewhere more remote and/or don't travel much):
  • Aarakocra
  • Genasi
  • Tabaxi
  • Goliath
  • Triton
  • Kenku
  • Kobold
  • Minotaur
  • Lizardfolk
  • Tortle
  • Harengon
  • Leonin
  • Thri-Kreen
  • Yuan-Ti
  • Locathah
  • Grung
  • Platypon**
(**Homebrew Race; there's always room for someone new in this setting! If you want to play as a homebrew race-- or an official race not on this list-- talk to your DM to determine how commonly that race might be found in Raen'dor).   Mixed-Race Characters   It is common in Raen'dor for parents of two different races to have children, passing traits of two different folk to their children. Half-elves and half-orcs are two of the most well-known examples, but far from the only ones-- the options won't all be listed here as there are many possibilities, but if you are interested in playing as a mixed-race character be sure to discuss with your DM what traits (both physical and rules-wise) you might have inherited from your parents.   Lineages (rare)   Finally, your character might have a lineage of some kind-- they may be the descendent of some otherworldly creature, or perhaps a curse was somehow placed upon them which changed their very nature. There's lots of possibilities, but it should be noted regardless that characters with the following lineages (or any similar homebrew lineage) tend to be among the rarest folk to encounter; many keep their lineage a secret due to their (usually) darker origins.
  • Dhampir
  • Hexblood
  • Lycan**
  • Reborn


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