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Selvyn's Story: Seelie and Unseelie Plots

Following the conclusion of her first year at Nightcrest Academy, Fantasia returned home to Fairhope alongside Aurelia; after only a day or two of rest, she encountered Selvyn Sunshard and decided that she needed answers. Agreeing to meet in the Ardenwood at midnight, Selvyn shared a great deal of information regarding his past, his siblings, and the schemes of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts:
  • Beginning roughly in the Year 1068 (the year of the Night Witch Lysaga's defeat at the hands of Nissa Honeymeadow, Bramble, and their adventuring party), the Summer Court began stealing children (mostly babies) away from the Material Plane; this should not be possible due to the terms of the ancient Pact of Melting Snow. 1068 was also the year of Aurelia's birth/swapping, which lends credence to this story.
  • Selvyn and his siblings were stolen by the Seelie, but were "rescued" by the Winter Court and raised in Bleakspire, a small town which was built in the space of a large Feywild crossing. There were six children "rescued" total, although Selvyn only knew five of them (see sidebar for links to information about each sibling). These children were raised as part of the Unseelie Court and now serve as operatives for them on the Material Plane.
  • The Summer Court's influence and hold over the Feywild has been steadily growing since the Year 1068; according to Selvyn, people on the Material Plane have not noticed effects of these changes because of the Realignment. The Winter Court is looking for ways to retaliate, and currently plan to try and recreate the ancient ritual that caused the Everwinter in times of old (Theran has been sent to Nightcrest in order to obtain an artifact for that ritual).
  • It is highly suspected that Fantasia's parents and their adventuring group are connected to the changes that have occurred; the Pact of Melting Snow can be edited if an Archfey and a mortal do so together, and the Unseelie suspect one or more members of that adventuring group made a deal (or were tricked) by the Seelie into changing the Pact and granting the Summer Court the ability to break some rules. As such, the "Earring Kids" (as Fantasia calls Selvyn and his siblings) are mostly tasked with spying on and monitoring each member of that adventuring group. Selvyn has been in the Ardenwood and met Fantasia because he has been tasked with spying on Bramble (Ashilde and Karina are in Eiderloch watching Nissa and Cas; Glenn is "not an issue").
  • If Theran does not succeed in obtaining the necessary artifact by Midwinter of the Year 1088 (during the party's second year at Nightcrest a host of Unseelie Fey will come through the door in the abandoned tower and access the vault by force.
  • None of the Earring Kids (save Ashilde) want to continue working for the Winter Court, but they each either bound by magic to the Winter Queen or are staying in order to protect each other.
Between all this information and the heightened emotions surrounding Fantasia and Selvyn's breakup, this was a lot to take in; to make matters worse, as soon as Selvyn departed he was attacked by an Unseelie Fey named Coldeyes. Coldeyes threatened Fantasia and Bramble, clearly hurting Selvyn, and causing Fantasia, Aurelia and Bramble to flee to Kesgrave and reunite with the rest of the party. Selvyn's fate is currently unknown.


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