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The All-Face

The All-Face (a.k.a. The Nameless Pretender)

This Archfey is said to be progenitor of changelings, doppelgangers, and other shapeshifting beings; legends say that one can never know if they have seen the All-Face or not, as it can take the shape of any living being in existence. Any idea of the All-Face's true from a few scattered individual accounts, but even with these it is difficult to know if it has a "true form" at all. Stories about the All-Face are as varied as its forms, ranging from whimsical to deeply unsettling.   The All-Face is not associated with either Fey Court, and rarely chooses to reveal itself to anyone- be they mortal or Fey.   Origin of the Changelings
The most popular story passed among changelings regarding their origin is that the All-Face decided to grant the gift of shapeshifting to a mortal traveler, transforming them into the first changeling; some versions add more detail, speculating this gift was first granted to other True Fey, who (magically or genetically) passed the gift of shapeshifting to mortals and were thus the ancestors of the changeling race. As with many stories of the All-Face, however, there are darker tales as well-- the most well known of these being that the All-Face took an interest in a mortal woman and stole her partner away, transforming into them to take their place on the night of their wedding. The children of the woman inherited the All-Face's gift, and were the first changelings.

Archfey shapeshifter and progenitor of changelings.

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