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The Uncharted East: Over the Mountains & Beyond

Before the Realignment, it was a forgone conclusion that the world as folk knew it ended at the great mountain range to the east; explorers had long since given up trying make the deadly trek, and the few who managed to make it back alive reported becoming lost in strange mists that never lifted-- a similar fate to those who attempted to voyage across what had been the endless sea. However, new interest in exploring these mountains (and what might lie beyond them) has been sparked in the wake of the Realignment, starting when the first reports of successful voyages across the Eirion Sea reach the shores of Raen'dor.   It is still largely a mystery as to what lies beyond the mountains, and if any other civilizations or peoples exist there-- although a few recent reports describe views of a vast jungle beyond the last peaks of the range. The mountains themselves, however, are ripe for exploration; many adventurers have been motivated or hired to venture into the unknown, scaling cliffs and battling monsters in an effort to establish trails and stake out new resources. The Eirion Sea to the west might hold the most enticing new prospects for adventurers, but it's the mountains to the east that offer the most challenge-- and the greatest chance to discover someplace new.


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