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Caelora is one of the largest cities in the region of Taifar and is a hub for imports and exports because of its location on the ocean. The city has four main districts that meet at the centre of the city in Peddler's Market where everyone sells the day's goods. The Sanctum Sector is where the churches of the Old Faith lay. The Erudite Sector is where the Academy of The Arcane is, along with its students and other arcane business. The Pearl Quarter is were many of the wealthy citizens live and also includes the best beaches and high end shops. The Rookery Ward is where the lower class people live and many of the imports and fishing come in (although not the high end imports). Many people in the city make their living selling goods, whether they be imported or obtained locally (ex. fishing).    The city is quite old and therefore has a history that predates the Affliction. In the old days, the gods of the Old Faith had much sway over the city, and therefore there are many churches located within the city. Though the New Thought has permeated Caelora, unlike many of the large cities of Taifar, the Old Faith still has some influence because of the city's history. People that do follow the Old Faith still have an underground community in the Sanctum Sector, though they are still a minority group.    In the decades after the Affliction, an arcane academy sprung up, and it has become one of the region's largest school for the arcane arts. The academy has tried to promote the ideals of the New Thought to overcome the strong ties the city has to the Old Faith. Because of the historical significance of the city to the Old Faith, some people have managed to hold on to that notion, so there is often a conflict of ideals between the people of the different sectors of the city.


46% elves (including sea elves), 24% tiefling, 15% genasi, 15% other


Elected officials from each district work with an appointed ruler of the city.


Many city guard, specialized task forces for more dangerous/uncommon threats.

Industry & Trade

Many ports means virtually anything is available from local goods, to ones from distant lands. There is a large local fishing industry, magic item production due to the Academy of the Arcane, an abundance of taverns and inns for travelers, and a large number of hawkers.

Guilds and Factions

There are many guilds, some of the most prominent being, the Fisher’s Guild, the Guild of Restaurants, Taverns, and Inns, and The Guild of the Arcane. There are also a few major factions that have their headquarters located within the city.


It is thought that the gods sprung forth from the land upon which Caelora is built, so the city has significance to the Old Faith.
Founding Date
2547 BA
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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