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In the region of Taifar, arcane magic, knowledge, innovation, and individualism are highly valued. This is a result of the influence of the New Thought that dominates Taifar's culture and values. Thus, arcane magic users are highly regarded in society and make up the upper-middle and upper classes. That being said, magic permeates all socio-economic classes in Taifar. Most people tend to know a little bit of common magic (cantrips) and use it in their everyday lives. For example, magic is used to mend broken objects, tend to gardens, message others nearby, cast light in homes, and aid in other housework. Common magic that can inflict damage (cantrips like fire bolt, poison spray, or ray of frost) is not commonly known, especially in large cities due to the fact that it is not needed in everyday life. City guards may be taught such common magic in order to protect themselves, or those in rural communities may pick them up to defend themselves. But other than that, damaging common magic is rare.
  In order to learn or hone higher level magic skills, people must be taught the magic or trained in how to effectively tap into their own power. There are academies that offer such schooling and guidance, but generally, this education takes place outside of or after public schooling (like post-secondary school). This additional training is typically only available to those that can afford it or those that have the connections to do an apprenticeship (with the exception of a few very talented people who may attend on scholarship). Therefore, high level magic is regulated and often stays in the hands of those in the upper classes of society.
  Society values the work of arcane magic users highly. This stems from the New Thought belief that people should take their own initiative and work hard to innovate and make new discoveries to achieve success. Those in the field of magic development are paid highly and often make up the upper echelons of society. Nobility are often wizards and families of sorcerers and their relatives as well as influential politicians and their descendants. Arcane magic users that dabble in creating magic items and potions and have created their own economic success are also highly regarded in Taifar's society. Moreover, the most esteemed protectors make it to the upper echelons of society given their respect and high pay check.
The middle class consists of artisans, trades people, and business owners. Bards and other artists may also fall into this category. While the arts are not as highly praised in Taifar's society, nobles are always looking for forms of entertainment, which is where the creative types come in. Moreover, some guards fall into this category (especially when they are of higher rank) since the protection of cities, especially wealthier ones, is important for a thriving society. Magical healers can also be middle to upper-middle class. Though the healers that do make decent money often pay respects to the gods whose values align with the New Thought instead of the gods of the Old Faith.
  Making up the lower class of society are trades people and business owners that do not cater to nobility. Farmers and labourers also make up the lower class. Some of these farmers and labourers are still followers of the Old Faith, further cementing their place in the lower class, at least in cities.
  In villages and small towns that are further away from the influence of the big cities and the arcane magic that is prevalent within them, followers of the Old Faith are more common. After all, in small villages without access to all the resources provided by arcane advancement, healers who rely on gods of the Old Faith have become integral to their communities.


The region of Taifar includes major cities such as Temok, Caelora, Olhassi, Marsil'hai, Ul'maris, Ontoril, Valsai, Su'saari, and Halmura. These cities have their own forms of governments, laws, and regulations, but maintain friendly relationships and have formed an alliance to work towards common goals (ex. magical developments, infrustructure). Various officials of these cities frequently travel to the other cities to maintain connections and developments. In times of crisis, representatives from each city gather and form a sort of council to decide the next steps.


As mentioned above, magic is prevalent in Taifar. Nearly all individuals know at least a cantrip or two. Magic is seen as a sign of prestige and advancement, so those that can wield powerful spells are highly regarded. Magic is also used as a tool to make life easier in Taifar. It has increased the quality of life by providing light to households, enabling people to communicate by sending messages over short distances, of helping with household chores.
Since magic is commonplace, many cities have laws about the use of enchantment spells such as friends or charm person. These spells are generally prohibited since they can be used to violates people's agency.
  Cafes are a large part of Taifar's culture. They are a place where information is spread and ideas are discussed. With the popularization of broadsheets and books, people began to gather and discuss the daily news and ideas/theories introduced by books they had read while enjoying tea. This stems from Taifar's value of knowledge. Notice/community boards can usually be found in or around cafes to advertise jobs, clubs, or factions.
    In rural communities, offerings to gods whose values align with the New Thought are made for good fortune. One might offer a coin to the god of trade and commerce in hopes that good business will come their way. This ritual has hung on from the old days when in order to gain the favour of those who believed in the Old Faith, those of the New Thought would make offerings to gods that aligned with their beliefs. Today, however, this custom is more for show than anything since most people like to believe in their own ability instead of that of the gods. As such, this custom is only really seen in small villages.
In villages and small towns that are further away from the influence of the big cities and the arcane magic that is prevalent within them, followers of the Old Faith are more common. After all, in small villages without access to all the resources provided by arcane advancement, healers who rely on gods of the Old Faith have become integral to their communities.
Taifar is an individualist culture as evidenced by their emphasis on obtaining knowledge and power for the advancement of themselves and their society as a whole. Therefore school and work environments are often quite competitive as each individual strives to do their best. In noble families, though their family name carries weight in society, each person is encouraged to make a name for themselves because of the individualist nature. Though old families have prestige in society, theoretically anyone can become wealthy and influential society if they work hard enough.  
Cultural Norms:
  • Using magic to enhance food. Many family recipes use magical produce or spells to add benefits to important meals (ex. temporary hp, the effects of the bless spell, resistance to a particular condition).
  • Showing off spells and magic in groups of friends or peers. This is a way of demonstrating one's status.
  • Raising a hand and nodding your head to greet people. This is a respectful way to greet people as it avoids touching people (which could be done to cast a spell, see taboos below).
  • Competition. Due to the value placed on innovation and achievement, it is normal for their to be a sense of competitiveness between friends and peers, especially in school and work settings.
  • Talking to strangers at cafes. This is seen as completely normal as it is a way for people to debate intellectual topics and spark new ideas.

  • Openly worshipping a god. This is seen as degrading as Taifar believes in individual innovation and power.
  • Openly practicing rituals and culture of the Old Faith. The culture of the Old Faith aligns with collectivist beliefs and spiritualism (including following/worshipping gods), which is frowned upon.
  • Channeling divine magic. While this is necessary sometimes (ex. in the case of healing), it is still not as highly regarded as arcane magic that is derived from an individual's own hard work. The growing field of potions and magical salves to restore health is becoming a more common alternative to the divine healing.
  • Touching others (particularly the head) and not respecting personal space. The head is seen as very important due to the significance of intelligence in Taifar. Furthermore, touching someone may mean you are casting a spell on them, which should only be done with their consent.
  • The number 5. This is seen bad luck since the Affliction lasted 5 years.
  • Loosing your temper in public. In Taifar, settling disputes calmly, or at least without obvious hostility, is considered an example of excellent character and prestige, so the opposite of that is frowned upon.
  • Interrupting a person casting a spell. This is considered especially rude with prestigious spell caster who dedicate a lot of time and resources to high level spells. Interrupting them may cause a spell to fail and resources and time to be wasted.
  • Bargaining. Bargaining is seen as rude, especially when one is trying to purchase magical goods. It is seen as a disrespect of the craft and the time and effort put into it.

Public Agenda

Taifar's main agenda is to continue it's Era of Innovation and continue to invent and innovate.

Demography and Population

In the times before the Affliction, communities within Taifair were somewhat separated by race, but the disasters of the Affliction have caused the various populations to converge in certain areas that were safe from natural disasters. This means that there is a lot of intermingling of races throughout Taifar. Urban cities are especially diverse, but even smaller villages have a mix of races present in them. As a result of various races living in the same communities, there are many people who have mixed heritage and who are therefore not solely elf or dwarf or human. For example, some people may have dwarven and elven ancestry, or tiefling and gnomish ancestry.
  Taifar's population is thoroughly mixed and does not have a predominate race. That being said, some races may be slightly more common in some areas based on the nature of the terrain. Along the coastlines and among the islands, sea elves, genasi, tieflings, and even some tortles become more common. Towards the inland, humans, halflings, gnomes, and elves are common. Amongst the mountains and various elevations, firbolgs, drow, and dwarves along with some aaracokra and aasimar are more common. This being said, nearly any race can be found anywhere within Taifar.

Technological Level

In terms of technology, the Taifar is equivalent to the 1600s. Guns have been invented, though they are still being tweaked for ease of use and accessibility. Therefore, weapons such as swords, bows, and daggers are still commonly used. Magical weapons and items are also more common in Taifar than other societies due to the large amount of magical experimentation and innovation. In large cities, the costs of such magical items are starting to come down as they become more common. Among the upper classes, enchanted clothing and jewelry is common (ex. boots of levitation, cape of the mountebank, cloak of protection).
  In addition, the printing press has been invented and as such broadsheets have become increasingly popular as a form of information. Books have also become increasingly accessible to the everyday person. This has lead to more ease in teaching certain magic. In large cities, aqueducts are common, and when combined with magic, water is accessible directly in wealthy homes. In terms of light, some households rely on candles, but many are now utilizing magic. The streets in large cities are magically lit.


As mentioned above, in order to learn or hone higher level magic skills, people must be taught the magic or trained in how to effectively tap into their own power, so academies typically teach these skills. Academies (and also coveted apprenticeships) are typically populated by middle to upper class folks due to their cost and prestige. However, the people of Taifar like to think that these paths to education and success are accessible to everyone because scholarships are given out to people who show exceptional talent.
  In magic academies, talented upper year students have the option to take up adventuring for a year (like a study abroad program) since many arcane magic users that have taken up adventuring have made important discoveries and advancements in the field of magic. Adventurers themselves are not incredibly common because of the dangerous nature of the work, but amongst arcane magic users, the most ambitious often spend some time within their career as adventurers. These magic users that take up adventuring usually pair up with more skilled physical combatants who protect them from the dangers of the journey in hopes that they will be able to spare their magic for research instead of in combat. These protectors are not as esteemed as the mages themselves, but their job is important, so they do stand at a relatively high status within society.


In Taifar, there are roads that connect the major cities. However, due to the Affliction, places outside of the major cities where society was rebuilt is mostly unchartered territory. This is slowly beginning to change as more places are being researched and rebuilt, however, it can still be difficult to travel to these places.
Additionally, teleportation circles in major cities are becoming more common and accessible (at least for the upper-middle and upper classes). This greatly speeds up transportation for officials and researchers, but it is not yet able to support large masses of people.
  Sailing routes are also fairly established, especially among the islands closest to the mainland. It is quite easy to charter a boat or find passage between islands and the mainland.
Government System
Power Structure
Transnational government
Legislative Body
Taifar is a region of united major city-states (Caelora, Su'saari, Valsai, Ontoril, Marsil'hai, Halmura, Temok, Ul'maris, and Olhassi) that frequently collaborate to integrate their policies across the region. Each major city has their own rules and regulations, but they are generally similar given that they are united through their values and policies. The transnational governance that they form is meant to promote social development and improvements to quality of life (through magic and artificing) to rural towns and villages. These city-states pool their resources in terms of defense, infrastructure, and trade to aid rural areas.
Judicial Body
Major city-states have a council composed of a variety of judges. Rural have a smaller council.
Executive Body
Each major city-state has their own individual guards and enforcers. Their resources are pooled to provide scouts and guards to rural areas.
Official State Religion

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