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Lemobax Conglomerate

Known colloquially by the name of their leader, The Broker, The Lemobax Conglomerate is the official title of those who work under this mysterious figure. Their leader is an intermediary of sorts. He has agents that find mercenaries and adventuring parties and connects them to employers who will hire them for whatever task. This seems like a very strange system, but the Broker makes it work and gathers coin from doing so to continue working. Due to the way this works, the network has tense relations with other factions that both work with and fight the Brokers forces at the same time or shift by the day.   In actuality, the Broker is all about gathering knowledge wherever it can be found. This is a system where they learn all that is to be known about the different factions and groups. They keep people and information from all over the coast cataloged. Above all, they protect the information they garner from what they have completed.


Foundlings   Searchers   Knowledge Bearers   Scribes of Tasks   Omniscient


. Keep as many openings as possible   . Gather and protect as much knowledge as you can.   . All actions are permissible to follow your beliefs.

Public Agenda

Perform tasks to earn money wherever it can be found.


Multiple people who are in contact with the Broker. In turn, under them are mercenaries and adventurer groups that they provide jobs to perform.

“Listen to everyone. Work with the interesting ones.”

Information Network
Alternative Names
The workers of the Broker.
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Lemobax Conglomerate


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