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Baloraz, The Hero King

Baloraz is the god of heroes, justice, and bravery. He leads a special force within the Army of the Gods made up its greatest champions. He is depicted as male humanoid, most often human, with long blonde hair, shining golden armor, and a mystical longship that can travel across the planes. Baloraz is the patron of heroes, and works to inspire his worshippers to greatness.

Baloraz is one of the most popular deities in the pantheon of the Lords of Steel, and even followers of other members of the Lords of Steel frequently offer the occasional prayer to Baloraz. Humans and halflings are particularly fond of Baloraz, but his followers can be found among all races. Baloraz grants powerful blessings to those who strive to do good in the world, but even for those who live more ordinary lives are frequently granted small bursts of courage, as Baloraz believes that fear is the primary source of evil. One of the main reasons that Staldenfar is the leader of the Lords of Steel rather than Baloraz who has a comparable, and at times even greater following, is that Baloraz spends much more time directly using his power to bless his followers, and thus does not have the time to spend on leading the Army of the Gods.

While he is still a war god, Baloraz discourages meaningless fighting. He understands that at times conflict will be unavoidable, but fighting should be used as a last resort. When it does become necessary Baloraz instructs his followers to avoid collateral damage as much as possible, and discourages excessive raiding. As Baloraz leads a collection of the greatest champions in the Army of the Gods, there is no set fighting style that his followers learn. Instead his champions travel throughout the world while they live, and throughout the planes after they die, in search of evils to battle while they train their skills.

Divine Domains

Baloraz wields the divine aspects of Ambition, Confidence, Fate, Luck, and Zeal.


Baloraz carries the Horn of Champions, which allows him to summon the spirits of the greatest heroes in the Army of the Gods. He has also granted lesser horns to particularly heroic followers, so that they may summon specific champions to aid them when needed.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Baloraz is a golden horn that emits a unique call. Any follower of Baloraz is required to respond the call of this horn, which is used when a followers requires immediate aid.

Tenets of Faith

Worshipper's of Baloraz are required to follow the Honorlaws, a set of laws that bind all followers of the Lords of Steel. In addition there are several additional Honorlaws that specifically apply to followers of Baloraz that are designed to encourage his followers to live just lives and serve the cause of good.

The first law is to Do no Evil. Followers of Baloraz are expected to avoid committing acts of evil. They should strive to live selfless lives, and to work for the good of those around them. Even a pure motivation is sullied by an evil act, and as such there is no justification for living an evil life.

The second law is to Permit no Evil. Baloraz considers it an evil act to sit idly by while others perform acts of evil, and as such his followers are expected to intervene when they can prevent evil from occurring. Doing otherwise is actively allowing a soul to fall to corruption. This law does not require followers to suicidally attempt to stop any injustice by challenging foes far more powerful than themselves, but they should still try to oppose any evil they come across, even if they cannot destroy it on their own.

The third law is to Prevent the Source of Evil. Baloraz considers fear as being one of the primary sources of evil. Followers of Baloraz are instructed to confront, and eliminate sources of fear in order to prevent the temptation of evil from ever occurring. They should act as a comforting force in their communities, and attempt to solve problems, before they become problems, even if they recieve less glory as a result.
Divine Classification
Major God
Lawful Good

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