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The Lords of Steel

The Lords of Steel are a collection of war gods dedicated to preparing an army of heroes and warriors who will be ready to fight the final battle against the titan Genesis. To do this they encourage their followers to wage war against each other, producing the strongest warriors possible. Each god in the pantheon focuses on a different kind of warrior, and holds a different responsibility in preparing the Army of the Gods. The Pantheon is led by the god Staldenfar, who will serve as the high commander, while each of the other gods in the pantheon will command an army of their own specialized forces. The pantheon is most commonly worshipped worshiped in the Lands Below where the effects of Genesis are a more heavily felt in every day life, and they are especially worshipped int he Northern Reach, where they are the main pantheon of the region

Tenets of Faith

The Trials of Steel

Followers of the Lords of Steel are expected to go through a process known as the Trials of Steel. The Trials of Steel require that the follower spend at least one year training for one of the styles of combat represented by the gods in the pantheon. If that combat does not suit them, they may spend another year training in a different one, continuing this process until they find an appropriate method of fighting. Once the follower has selected a style to further pursue they are to serve in a fighting force of their choice for one term of service, the length of which is dependent on the specific style they have chosen. Once they have completed there term of service, they are considered to have earned their place in the Army of the Gods, and gained the title of Honorbound. They are then free to pursue whatever path they so choose going forwards, whether that is to continue life as a warrior in an attempt to earn more glory, and potentially higher status in the Army of the Gods, or choosing to retire from battle and take on a civilian life. Should they die in battle before completing their service, they shall be judged by the gods to determine if they are worthy of joining the Army of the gods, or if their souls will be passed back for resurrection so they may try again in their next life. Many followers of the Lords of Steel either do not choose to become warriors, or do not complete a full term of service as a combatant. For these individuals it is believed that at the end of each life they are given the choice of reincarnating to try again, or accepting a position as a servant who will support the preparations of the Army of the Gods in other, non-combat ways.

The Honorlaws

Followers of the Lords of Steel are also bound by a set of codes known as the Honorlaws. Each god typically has their own guidelines for their followers, but these laws apply to all who follow the pantheon. The Honorlaws were designed as a way of ensuring that a culture of powerful warriors did not destroy itself, and as such is mostly meant to apply to warriors, but most who follow the Lords of Steel still try to use them as a set of guiding principles, even when some of the specifics don't always apply to everyday life.

Live with Purpose: The first of the Honorlaws places great importance on there being meaning behind every action. Followers of the Lords of Steel are to continuously set new and greater goals for themselves. A meaningless life is believed to be a waste of a life. Those who aspire to be Honorbound should never stop looking to improve themselves, and should continue to foster and grow their ambitions, rather than letting them stagnate and fall to the wayside.

Kill with Purpose: The second Honorlaw concerns itself with killing. Though the Lords of Steel aim to forge their followers into warriors, they do not want them to be mindless killers. Killing without purpose is a waste of life, and a waste of potential. Skirmishing and battling against others is good for practice, but at all times it should be remembered that the real enemies are threats to all of life, and mindless bloodshed only advances their cause. A warrior who can only end a fight by killing is considered to be a poor fighter.

Die with Purpose: The third Honorlaw reminds practitioners that they should put care into the ends of their lives, just as they put care into living their lives. They should ensure that when they die, their grudges and regrets have been settled, and that they have left behind a legacy to be proud of. Honorbound are expected to use reason, and to only die for a worthy cause, or at the end of a well lived life.

Live with Purpose, Die with Purpose

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