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Fafnir, The Elder Linnorm

Fafnir is the god of greed, the father of the linnorms, and guardian of the treasure vault of the Lords of Steel. Fafnir has the long, snakelike appearance of a linnorm, but still has the wings that most linnorms have lost. He also decorates himself with an assortment of gold and other valuables. Fafnir fights using his immense strength, inherent magical abilities, and his legendarily devastating breath attacks. While he typically stays out of the affairs of mortals, he is known to be a particularly vengeful entity when crossed, and a number of heroes have met their end as the result of one of his curses.

Fafnir does not have many dedicated worshippers. Kobolds in the Lands Below are the largest group of Fafnir's worshippers, and there are have been a few lizardfolk who turn to Fafnir after being banished from their villages for greed, but he is far from a popular deity among mortals, and while most linnorms pay him some recognition as their progenitor, they also tend to be too proud to actively worship anything besides themselves. Instead, most of Fafnir's divine power comes as a result of his status as a truly legendary monster, so powerful that even the Army of the Gods had to respect it. Followers of the Lords of Steel consider Fafnir to be ultimate challenge, believing that anyone who can best him will be granted the ultimate reward of godhood, and membership in the Lords of Steel. Those few who do worship Fafnir as a god, usually do so as a result of their own greed.

Fafnir is the ultimate representation of the material rewards warfare can deliver to the victors. Fafnir himself fights for the Lords of Steel due to the wealth he is given for doing so, and he enjoys the position of guardian of the pantheon's vault, as he gets to treat the entire pantheon's wealth as his personal horde. Those who follower Fafnir in the Army of the Gods are usually more magically inclined individuals. In particular, those who take an interest in his curses are known as Wyrmwitches and learn to replicate the effects of different Linnorm curses.

Divine Domains

Fafnir wields the divine aspects of Magic, Wealth, Wyrmkin, and Zeal.


Vials of Fafnir's blood are used as powerful magical reagents, especially in the creation of curses.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Fafnir is a gold coin with a dragons head on it.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Fafnir are expected to follower the Honorlaws, a set of laws that all followers of the Lords of Steel are expected to obey, but he more strictly enforces his own laws, and considers the general Honorlaws as more of an afterthought to keep the other members of the pantheon happy.

The first law is Law of Tribute. All followers of Fafnir are expected to sacrifice a portion of their wealth to Fafnir as tribute for the blessings he grants. Most followers choose to sacrifice about a tenth of what they earn, though it is known that a larger sacrifice grants greater blessings. Technically speaking this tribute is being made as a donation to the Army of the Gods, but it is mostly so Fafnir can enjoy it himself.

The second law is the Law of the Hoard. Followers of Fafnir are expected to hoard a significant amount of their wealth, similar to how a dragon would. The size of the hoard also contributes the power of the blessings Fafnir grants, and when the worshipper dies the hoard is collected by Fafnir. Fafnir strongly discourages large spending, and especially charitable donations, as he feels wealth must be earned.

The third law is the Law of Challenge. Followers of Fafnir are allowed to challenge each other for their hoards to demonstrate themselves as a superior follower. Particularly confident followers are also allowed to challenge linnorms. This is all in accordance with Fafnir's principal that if one is not able to protect their wealth, they do not deserve it.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Neutral Evil

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