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Muspell, The Forgelord

The Forgemaster, The Burning Smith

Muspell is the god of fire and craftsmen, and is the chief blacksmith who forges weapons for the Army of the Gods. Muspell takes on the form of a large male humanoid with rocky, red skin and a flaming beard. While he takes on a form similar to whatever follower is communing with him, he also always appears as a particularly tall and strong member of their race. Muspell fights with a variety of weapons and armors, seemingly forging new ones out of flames in the middle of battle. He serves as a patron to builders and craftsmen, encouraging his followers to serve as the backbone of a strong community, and too work to serve others, rather than focusing on enriching themselves.

Muspell is most commonly worshipped by Dwarves, Orcs, Humans, and Giants. Good aligned Fire Giants in particular hold a deep reverence for Muspell, though evil giants tend to scoff at his worship. Those who live near volcanoes commonly pay some amount of reverence towards Muspell, and eruptions are frequently seen as a sign of his anger. The majority of Muspell's followers are craftsmen of some kind. Smiths are the most common, but carpenters, stonemasons, and even a number of artists follow him for inspiration in their craft.

Muspell's role in the Army of the Gods is to provide them with the highest quality equipment possible. To do this he tirelessly toils at his forge, continuously improving his abilities, and encouraging his followers to do the same. Muspell believes that his role as a craftsman is to empower others by giving them the tools to reach their full potential, and teaches his worshippers that there is just as much glory in assisting a hero as there is in personally slaying a monster. A warrior cannot fight without the support of the community around them, and as such each member of that community is as important as any other. A significant number of Muspell's followers learn the art of the warsmith, and work under the philosophy that to truly understand how to make an ideal weapon, the smith must also understand how it is used. These warsmiths are known for mastering a wide variety of weapons, and knowing the role each one has in a battle.

Divine Domains

Muspell can wield the divine aspects of Creation, Fire, Toil, Zeal


While Muspell is known to have crafted a plethora of legendary weapons and armors, the vast majority of them are confined to his vault where they will be stored until the final battle against Genesis. Instead Muspell more commonly chooses to grant his blessing to particularly devoted followers, granting them the divine inspiration to craft their own legendary tools.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Muspell is a hammer surrounded by flames. It is common practice that a follower of Muspell makes their own symbol using whatever craft they practice. Common materials include different metals or obsidian.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Muspell are expected to obey the Honorlaws, a set of codes that all followers of the Lords of Steel must obey. There are also several specific laws that Muspell requires his followers to obey. These laws are designed to instruct Muspell's followers on how to improve themselves and how to live their lives.

The first law is the perfection is always the goal, but never attained. This law instructs Muspell's followers to always work towards improving their craft. Though no one will ever create true perfection, a craftsman must always work towards that goal. TO cease improvement is to declare your work perfect, which is the height of hubris, and considered an anathema to the teachings of Muspell.

The second law is the gold of glory distracts from the strength of steel. This law instructs Muspell's followers that focusing too much on personal glory will only distract them from what is truly important in life. They should focus on building a strong foundation for their communities, and providing the support needed to empower all those around them. Gold might be pretty, but at the end of the day it is soft, and can never stand up to steel.

The third law is to treat all creations as your own. This law instructs followers to respect the creations of others. Each creation represents the hard work and dedication invested in it by its creator, and that is worthy or respect, even when the work in question was done by an enemy. Followers of Muspell are to avoid unnecessary destruction, and are encouraged to protect the works of others who are no longer able to protect them themselves. Objects created purely for the enactment of evil are exempt from the protections of this law.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Lawful Good

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