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Nidhogg, The Rage of War

Nidhog is the god of rage, and represents the negative emotions, madness, and worst atrocities that come from war. Nidhog takes the form of a massive Linnorm with scales and horns reminiscent of gnarled wood. It is known to burrow beneath the ground causing earthquakes with its rampages, as it impatiently awaits the day Genesis is set free so that the final battle may begin. Nidhogg preys on those who have suffered as the result of conflicts, though instead of offering respite, its offers madness, and the opportunity to take revenge on the world.

Nidhogg maintains most of its power through fear, rather than through followers. Those who do follow Nidhogg fall into two categories, those who scheme in the shadows, working to orchestrate elaborate plots to sow the seeds of discord and to make more people vulnerable to Nidhogg's influence, and those who give in to the rage and spend their lives lashing out at those around them. Members of the second group tend to live short lives before their are either destroyed by others, or consumed by their own power. Nidhogg is known to favor orcs, goblinoids, evil dragons, and other creatures predisposed towards destruction and rage.

While technically a member of the Lords of Steel and the Army of the Gods, Nidhogg deeply resents being held as subservient to Staldenfar, and often comes into direct conflict with the rest of the pantheon. One of Nidhogg's chief desires is too grow strong enough to usurp Staldenfar and to bring the rest of the pantheon under its own control. Despite these conflicts Staldenfar has chosen to have the pantheon work to keep Nidhogg contained as its power would be a great boon in the battle against Genesis, and destroying it completely would be a great strain on the resources of the Army of the Gods. Those members of the Army of the Gods who do choose to follow Nidhogg channel their rage into fearsome, berserker fighting styles, and are known as some of the deadliest members of the army.

Divine Domains

Nidhogg wields the divine aspects of Destruction, Might, Pain, Wyrmkin, and Zeal.


Several weapons have been made from bits of bone and teeth that have broken off from Nidhogg during its battles. These items grant their wielder incredible powers, but carry with them a deadly curse of madness for those who are not strong enough.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of Nidhogg is a burning tree, representing Nidhogg's desire for the time that Genesis will be set lose and the World Tree will fall. This symbol is commonly made by desecrating the holy symbol of Jormungandr, and Nidhogg generally frowns on creation.

Tenets of Faith

Nidhogg encourages its followers to scoff at the Honorlaws that bind most followers of the Lords of Steel. Instead, followers of Nidhogg are given reign to do whatever they please, though it is known that acts of destruction are the most favorable to Nidhogg.
Divine Classification
Major God
Chaotic Evil

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