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Staldenfar, The Father of Strategy

The Father of Strategy, The Lord of Steel, The Great Tactician

Staldenfar is the god of strategy, leadership, and war who leaders the pantheon of gods known as the Lords of Steel. Staldenfar most commonly is depicted as a towering male humanoid with a long gray beard, and a cloak made of owl feathers. He wears a winged, golden helmet, and wields a spear as his weapon of choice. The exact style of his clothing and appearance vary based on how he appears to difference cultures, but these details are consistent throughout. Staldenfar is a patron to military commanders, as well as leaders of all kinds. His philosophy is one of discipline, and his followers are expected to adhere to a strict code of laws.

Staldenfar is most commonly worshipped by lawfully aligned humans, dwarves, and giants. There are a number of elves and orcs who follow him, but they tend to favor other gods among the Lords of Steel, and venerate Staldenfar only as the leader of that group, rather than as their main deity. There is also a sizable number of hobgoblins who follow Staldenfar, as they live in a heavily militarized society that meshes well with the ideals Staldenfar champions. Staldenfar is typically worshipped by those that are in, or wish to one day take on positions of leadership. This most strongly applies to military leaders, but a number civilian leaders venerate him as well, and even many leaders who do not directly worship Staldenfar will have an advisor who follows his teachings. Locations where worshippers of Staldenfar are most prominent include the Northern Reach in the Lands Below, and the land of Irai in the Lands Above. 

Staldenfar's main objective is to build up a military force known as the Army of the Gods. The intended purpose of this force is to one day defeat the titan, Genesis, who wishes to destroy the world. To strengthen the Army of the Gods Staldenfar recruits the souls of fallen warriors, and has the army train by engaging in different conflicts all around the planes. Many other gods have on occasion hired the Army of the Gods to assist them in their own goals, especially in battles against particularly destructive forces such as the demons. Staldenfar's role is to train the commanders of the Army of the Gods, forging them into the best leaders possible. This has the added benefit in ensuring the Army's loyalty to him, as he has the loyalty of the Army's leadership.

Divine Domains

Staldenfar wields the Divine Aspects of Ambition, Duty, Knowledge, Might, Protection and Zeal.


Staldenfar's spear and helmet both contain powerful magic. The helmet, known as the Helm of the General, allows the wearer to share the senses of any soldier under their command, and directly communicate with them as well. This allows Staldenfar to commander vast armies throughout the planes, and maintain direct command as needed. The spear was made from a branch of the World Tree, and is known as the Worldbinding Spear. The Spear channels the power of the World Tree, greatly enhancing the physical abilities of the wielder, and granting them the ability to seal the divine of others. Staldenfar has created lesser version of both these artifacts that he has granted to devout followers on occasion.

Holy Books & Codes

The holy book of Staldenfar is known as the the Codex of Generals. The Codex doubles as both a holy book of laws, and as a textbook for the training of military commanders given that it contains a wide variety of different strategies, complete with instructions on how to best use them.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Staldenfar is an owl carrying a spear. Many of his followers wear winged helmets, or a cloak made out of feathers.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Staldenfar are expected to more strictly adhere to the codes all followers of the Lords of Steel are bound by, known as the Honorlaws. There are also several additional Honorlaws that apply to followers of Staldenfar, which are meant to address their expected roles as both commanders of military forces, and leaders in their communities.

The first is that a leader in battle must be a leader in all things. This means that followers of Staldenfar who wish to lead must also serve as a prime example and inspiration to those around them. They are to be honest, honorable, and wise throughout their lives, as it is not enough to just be a capable commander. No matter how skilled, people will hesitate to fight under a leader they do not truly respect in all aspects of life.

The second is that those who command must learn to obey. Staldenfar demands his followers obey the law and their superior officers. They must show respect to the authority of others, or else others will not respect their authority. Staldenfar sees obedience as a necessary component of a functioning military, and a functioning society.

The third is that the failures of a unit are the failures of the commander. Leaders are expected to hold their people accountable, and as such, as responsible for the actions their people take. If a unit of soldiers raids a village and kills innocents, it is on their commander to take responsibility. If a town struggles with poor harvests then its leader must look into solving the issue. If a leader cannot control the people they lead, then they are worse than having no leader at all.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Staldenfar works to build a divine army that will be strong enough to protect the world and emerge victorious in the final battle against the titan Genesis.
Divine Classification
Major God
Lawful Neutral
Ruled Locations

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