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Tordenna, The Great Skald

Tordenna is the storyteller of the Lords of Steel, and the goddess of song, stories, and runes. Tordenna takes the form of a tall human woman, dressed in fine clothing and jewelry. She is commonly known to appear with two cats who serve as extra sets of eyes and ears to travel the world in search of new stories to tell. Tordenna carries a shield and spear, each engraved with a variety of runes that tell the stories of different heroes in the Army of the Gods. She is also known for her powerful voice, and her singing is said to inspire others with the strength of legendary warriors. She is a patron to bards, lore keepers, and practitioners of rune magic, as well as anyone else who participates in the sharing and storing of information and stories.

Tordenna is worshipped by many followers of the Lords of Steel. Dwarves, Orcs, and Humans typically follower her as a way of connecting to the stories of their ancestors, and many Catfolk, Ratfolk, Tengu, and Halflings follower her for her protection of wanderers, and those who are curious. She has a large following, but tends to be less powerful than the other gods in the Lords of Steel as the pantheon is centered around battle, and she is less focused on direct combat, she her role as record keeper is still considered to be of great importance.

In the Army of the Gods, Tordenna is in charge of remembering the stories and records of all the battles they participate in. This role is more than just a librarian, as it also makes her one of the chief advisors to the army, as she remembers every success and failure the army has had, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of all their enemies. Tordenna holds a vital role in the planning of every strategy the Army of the Gods employs. Followers of Tordenna take on a similar role for their individual companies. They are in charge of recording each battle, and learning from the mistakes. In battle, many of them act as a source of inspiration, using magically enhanced music to support their allies, and communicate with each other.

Divine Domains

Tordenna wields the divine aspects of Glyphs, Knowledge, Travel, and Zeal.


Tordenna's shield is able to display an illusory version of any battle it has taken part in, and can transfer the experiences and knowledge of that battle into those who witness it. Her spear is able to record the lives of any struck down by it, keeping their story alive and remembered.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Tordenna are expected to obey the Honorlaws, a set of codes that all followers of the Lords of Steel must obey. There are also several specific laws that Tordenna requires her followers to obey, that are designed to ensure the preservation of information and the sharing of knowledge.

The first law is that within every story is new knowledge. This is a direction to followers of Tordenna, that they should accept information from all sources, and that there is something that can be learned from every story, even exaggerations and falsehoods. Followers of Tordenna should constantly be on the lookout for new things to learn.

The second law is that only through sharing can we all grow together. Tordenna believes that the gathering of stories is useless if they are not shared. The growth that comes from learning will be lost, if that growth is not shared with others, and as such sharing knowledge is just as important as gathering knowledge.

The third law is that the past must be preserved. Followers of Tordenna are forbidden from destroying any repository of knowledge no matter its source. Their role is to protect knowledge, and to destroy it is the antithesis of their mission.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Neutral Good

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