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Vanargand, The Beast of Winter

Vanargand is the god of winter and strength, and a member of Lords of Steel. Vanargand is most commonly depicted as a large, white beast surrounded by an eternal blizzard, though he is also known to take on the forms of specific animals such as a bear, wolf, or boar on occasion. Some cultures also depict Vanargand as taking on a hybrid form, mixing the features of an animal and a humanoid figure. There are also rumors of an entirely humanoid form, but it is unclear whether this is a current form of Vanargand, or a previous form that has since been abandoned. Vanargand is patron to hunters and wild beasts, and teaches a philosophy based on personal strength.

Vanagand's largest groups of followers are different groups of Orcs, Humans, Elves, and Catfolk. Most of these followers come from various villages in the tundra or artic forests, and usually worship a favorite form of Vanargand. Many werecreatures, and those descended from werecreatures, also worship Vanargand for his connection to nature, and a small number of elemental beings related to cold worship him for his connection to winter. Vanargand does not have a large following in cities, though there are a number of hunters and particularly aggressive warriors who follow him.

Vanargand is the embodiment of winter, and uses harsh cold as a means of clearing out the weakest in society in an attempt to cultivate the strong for the Army of the Gods. Unlike the other gods in the Lords of Steel, Vanargand does not train his warriors in one set fighting style. Instead, each warrior is encouraged to develop their own technique that matches their personality. These warriors typically act as scouts and skirmishers, working independently or in small groups apart from the Army of the Gods, where they can act in their own judgement without disrupting the main force.

Divine Domains

Vanargand controls the Divine Aspects of Cold, Might, Moon, and Nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Vanargand has many different symbols connected to his many different forms, though effigies of animals carved from bones are the most common among his worshippers. It is common practice for priests of Vanargand to hunt and carve their own personal holy symbols.

Tenets of Faith

Vanargand does not demand any strict guidelines for his followers. They are expected to follow the same Honorlaws that all followers of the Lords of Steel, but Vanargand is much less strict about their enforcement. Followers of Vanargand take it upon themselves to decide on their specific beliefs, but most tend to incorporate some amount of loyalty to companions and respect for a strong leader.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Weed out the weak and seek the strongest soldiers for the Army of the Gods.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Chaotic Neutral

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