Disciple's Rebirth

"The sigils did not make me. The war did not make me. The Archons did not make me. The Tower made me." Kahm'nen, Disciple of Hazma


The creation of Disciples dates back nearly to the beginning of civilization in the Rip, as those chosen by the Gods, or later, the Archons, would be marked, and granted incredible power.


Aspirants are found in the various cities and towns throughout the Rip, with sigils burned into their bodies. Before their alteration, an Aspirant is little stronger than any other soldier, though much more willful. Disciples are rounded up by Clerics, and fully trained Disciples, then brought to the Tower of Disciples, which is built around the Arcane tree.   The Aspirants that have been rounded up are brought to the base of the tower, and given access to water, but not food. They are ordered by the Clerics and Disciples to sit cross legged, and not move. They are told that they must subsist for the next week only on the Arcane Energy granted to them by their Archon or God. This is to test the bond between an Aspirant and the source of their power. Those who pass proceed to the next step. Those who fail die.   After the Aspirants pass the initial trial, they are granted a small amount of food. Then, they must climb the tower without sleep or food. This process usually takes a day, and tests the Disciple's endurance. At the top, the Aspirants are greeted by Oni, which provide them with food, water, and allow them to rest, for as long as the Aspirant needs, up to four days. Aspirants that fail usually fall to their deaths.   After they have rested and eaten, the Aspirant is brought to the Chamber of Lies, a large square room with walls of Durnan that is built directly over the Arcane Tree, for their final trial. Within the Room is a box made of Durnan, and carved into with protective spells made by the Clerics and Disciples of old. Within the box is the essence of 1000 greater demons, each seeking to possess the Aspirant. Those who fail to resist possession are killed. The Aspirant cannot resist this posession on their own, and require the direct intervention of their patron God or Archon. While the Aspirant is resisting the demons, they must fight off a group of various beasts, with only a dagger. This is to test the Aspirant's bond with their patron, their combat prowess, and to test their will.   After passing their Trials, the Aspirant is allowed a week to rest. The final procedure of becoming a Disciple involves a concoction of Arcane Crystals and water being pumped into the body, and a forced expansion of the Arcane Core. Should the Aspirant survive the procedure, they become a Disciple, and are ready for training with their fellow Disciples.

Components and tools

The most important item in the process is the box which contains the Elder Demons, though the durnan dagger used by Aspirants in the final trial is also needed.


The Aspirants, usually numbering around two hundred when they arrive, attend the event. As does the head Disciple of each Archon, and a Grand Cleric. The Oni attend, as they live within the Tower of Disciples.


This event occurs at the start of Revival, every year.
Primary Related Location


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